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ANKARA: Plan includes many subversive plots

Today’s Zaman, Turkey
Oct 24 2009

Plan includes many subversive plots

The `Action Plan to Fight Reactionaryism’ was a four-page document
which revealed that the TSK had a systematic plan to damage the image
of the AK Party government and the Gülen movement, inspired by
internationally respected Turkish scholar Fethullah Gülen, in the eyes
of the public, to play down the Ergenekon investigation and to gather
support for members of the military arrested as part of the inquest.

To date, dozens of people have been arrested in the Ergenekon
investigation, launched after the discovery of a gang bearing the same
name in June 2007, when police found a house full of munitions in

The neo-nationalist Ergenekon gang, suspected of having ties to
various individuals and groups within the state bureaucracy and the
military, worked to create a chaotic atmosphere in Turkey so people
would welcome a military coup against the ruling AK Party.

The multi-step action plan called on TSK members to be watchful about
reports appearing in the press regarding links between the military
and other groups and organizations.

`The TSK is seen as the only obstacle before the destruction of
Atatürk’s principles and the establishment of a new system based on
religious tenets. They are publishing documents that aim to weaken the
TSK in their own press organs. They are depicting the rallies, which
have captured huge public interest, as though they were organized by
Ergenekon. They are claiming that the TSK has close cooperation with
the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party [PKK] and other terrorist
organizations under the umbrella of Ergenekon. They are preparing news
stories saying high-level members of the military are of Jewish and
Armenian origin. They are releasing voice recordings that allegedly
belong to TSK personnel,’ the document warned TSK members.

The document went on to detail a plan to defame the AK Party
government and fight the alleged threat of reactionaryism in society.
In accordance with this plan, press organs were to disseminate
propaganda against reactionaryism and fundamentalism; TSK staff and
their families were to be informed about this threat; and the military
was to step up measures to prevent their documents from leaking to
external groups.

24 October 2009, Saturday

Nahapetian Zhanna:
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