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Azeri MP Comments Of Armenian Leaders’ Statements


Oct 27 2009

"I would designate all the statements made by Serzh Sargsyan and Bako
Sahakyan in Moscow as self-complacency," Hasim Mollazade, member of
the Milli Majlis of Azerbajan, told 1news.az.

"Thus they are comforting their citizens and all the Armenians –
they not only remain committed to their positions, but are also
consolidating them," Mollazade said, commenting on the Armenian
leader’s statement that the Armenian side intends to strengthen its
positions in Nagorno-Karabakh. According to him, the Armenian side’s
actions will eventually frustrate the Armenian-Turkish rapprochement
and the Nagorno-Karabakh peace process.

"Now all the responsibility for further developments rests with
Armenia. So if that country continues in the same spirit, I do not
think the processes will be success," Mollazade said.

Speaking at a fund-raising dinner at the Ararat Part Hyatt hotel
in Moscow attended by about 80 Russia-based Armenian businessmen,
RA President Serzh Sargsyan stated: "No war in our region has ever
caused damage to our fortress [Shushi]. Suffice it to say that, over
the last 200 years, Shushi has passed from hand to hand at least
fifteen times, which makes it much dearer to us."

Nahapetian Boris:
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