Pope Praises Armenian Patriarch’s 10 Years Of Service


Catholic News Agency
Oct 27 2009

Vatican City, Oct 27, 2009 / 10:49 am (CNA).- Pope Benedict XVI marked
the tenth anniversary of the election and enthronement of Karekin II,
the Supreme Patriarch of the Armenian Apostolic Church, by sending a
message to him today. The Pope told the Patriarch that he hopes the
good relations between the two Churches would "continue to grow in
the years ahead."

Noting that the "recovery of freedom for the Church in Armenia towards
the end of the last century brought joy to Christians throughout the
world," Benedict XVI congratulated the Patriarch on his efforts as
leader of the Armenian Apostolic Church over the last decade.

In the Pope’s words, Karekin II’s work has been "remarkable," an
assessment that he went on to spell out in his message. The Pontiff
praised "the flourishing of new initiatives for the Christian education
of the young, for the training of clergy, the creation of new parishes,
the building of new churches and community centers, as well as the
promotion of Christian values in the social and cultural life of
the nation."

The Holy Father finished his message by calling upon the intercession
of the Patron of the Armenian Apostolic Church, Saint Gregory the
Illuminator, and asking God that "we may be ever more closely united
in a holy bond of Christian faith, hope and love."
