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The Homosexuals Feel Good In Armenia


Oct 27 2009

The psychologist Svetlana Harutyunyan expressed the point of view
that there is no final answer till now to the question from where
the homosexuals are coming and to where they are going to.

"There are several answers to the question where the homosexuals are
coming from, and where they are going to. It can be because of the
disorder in the womb in the 3rd month. It can also be that the amount
and force of the masculine and feminine elements is too high. The
gender institutions say that the children can take any role as the
gender is only a role that is performed."

By the words of the psychologist first of all one should find out
from where the homosexuality is coming and whether he feels good
himself in that situation, maybe he feels good.

"If the person feels himself good as a homosexual is there need to
tell the person that he is sick", – asked Svetlana Harutyunyan.

Vrezh Shahramanyan said that doesn’t mean whether the one who is
homosexual feels good or feels bad in that role, he as a rule applies
a doctor.

He also mentioned that there are a lot of people in Armenia who are
homosexuals and who develop in a good state and the homosexuals are
not considered sick people any longer.

Chmshkian Vicken:
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