International Day Of Animation: Remembering Sahakyants


Oct 28 2009

Today the world is celebrating the International Day of Animation
which has been founded by the initiation of the French branch of the
Animation films association in 2002 honoring the 100th anniversary
of the famous representative of the discoverer of the first animation

Exactly today, in 1892, in Paris Emile Reynaud, a painter and
innovator, invited the audience to watch a new scene not seen by
any one before, the "theatre optique". Talented scientist for the
first time presented to the audience the device called praksinoscope,
which was showing the moving pictures.

This event is considered to be the birth of the Animation film and this
day is the day of celebrating the international day of Animation films.

Armenia is in the list of the countries where the animation films
have a long history. As we have already told before, the first 70th
anniversary of Armenian animation films has been celebrated in the
frameworks of the "ReAnimania" festival. The first Armenian animation
film called "The Dog and the Cat" for the first time was shown on March
in 1939. Since that day the Armenian animation has developed a lot.

The Armenian Animation has its special place in the world and has
become more famous due to the films of Robert Sahakyants and his art.

These unchangeable teachers of the Armenian kids, the films of R.

Sahakyants, till now receive high prices on many different
international festivals.