Armenia Marks Commemoration Day Of St. John The Chrysostom


Oct 29 2009

Today Armenian Apostolic Church marks the commemoration day of St. John
the Chrysostom.

Pontiff St. John the Chrysostom is one of the most prominent and
gracious Fathers of the Universal Church. He was born in Antioch, in
347 AD. He has studied in the Theological School of Antioch and has
advanced his skills in rhetoric art in the School of Libanios. Since
the young age he has led an ascetic life. In 381 AD he has been
ordained as deacon by Meletios of Antioch and in 386 he has been
ordained as priest by Flavianos. Thanks to his brilliant and eloquent
speeches and sermons he has deserved the title "Chrysostom".

In 398 AD he is elected the Patriarch of Constantinople against his
will and zealously initiates renovation and reconstruction works of
the capital city, which was far from the Christian mode of life and
lived immoral life full of conflicts and disputes. Amorality and
religious indifference were dominant among the people, the court
and the clergy. St. John the Chrysostom condemns and criticizes all
forms and manifestations of amorality and for criticism he raises the
Queen Eudoxia’s anger. The Patriarch Theophilos of Alexandria also,
who wished to become the Patriarch of Constantinople, also stands
against St. John the Chrysostom. Basing on groundless slander and
calumny by the ecclesiastical council held in 403 AD., an order
is issued to exile the saint. However, during the night of exile
such terrible earthquake and fires happen that the Queen calls the
Patriarch back to his residence. St. John the Chrysostom continues to
criticize the wrong and immoral mode of life of the court. Ignoring
the people’s sympathy towards the Patriarch and the protection of the
Western Church, the King Arkadios and the Queen Eudoxia again issue
an order to exile the saint. The saint is exiled to Pontos and is
martyred in the town Komana. His last words are: "Glory to You, God,
glory to You, glory to You to for everything." The saint’s remains
are buried in the Church of St. Apostles, of Constantinople, in 438 AD.

St. John the Chrysostom is the author of many interpretations,
speeches, odes, epistles and letters, which have positively influenced
on the history of the Christian mind. His works have been translated
into Armenian still during his life.