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Political Situation In Armenia Is Still Considerably Under Influence


Noyan Tapan
Oct 30, 2009

YEREVAN, OCTOBER 30, NOYAN TAPAN. The European Union welcomes the
progress made in Armenian-Turkish relations and anticipates further
deepening of this process, the EU’s Special Representative to the
South Caucasus Peter Semneby said in an inteview with Radio Liberty.

"I believe the sides have achieved more than many would think. It is of
great importance to us that our partners and the immediate neighbors
of the EU – Turkey and Armenia establish normal relations by their
parliaments," P. Semneby said, expressing a hope that the protocols
will be ratified as quickly as possible, as "the normalization of
relations and the content of the protocols highly reflect the interests
of both sides". In his words, if the Armenia-Turkey protocols are
ratified within the next 2 months, this will introduce important and
constructive elements in the EU’s relations with Turkey and Armenia.

Responding to the question about how much the normalization of
Armenian-Turkish relations and the Karabakh conflict settlement are
interlinked, considering the Turkish authorities’ constant statements
that the ratification of protocols and the border reopening are
impossible without serious progress in the Karabakh problem, P.

Semneby said: "Officially, there is no link. However, nobody can ignore
the fact that each of the conflicts, depending on the direction of
its settlement, will affect the formation of an atmosphere of trust
among the countries in the region".

As regards the internal political situation and democracy-related
problems in Armenia, P. Semnaby underlined that the political situation
in Armenia is still considerably under the influence of the tragic
events of 1 March 2008.

"I hope that resolute steps will be taken, and Armenia will turn
this page of its history and also draw lessons for the future, so any
confrontation of this kind will be ruled out. This will require both
the authorities and the opposition to take a responsible approach.

This will also require Armenia to specify the rules of the political
game. It includes the electoral legislation, the proper conduct
of elections, mass media-related issues, etc. Armenia has not yet
achieved that," the Special Representative of the EU said.

According to him, the issues concerning democracy, the rule of law,
fair governance, human rights, the same March 1 events are priorities
on the agenda of negotiations with the Armenian authorities and
were discussed with Armenian president and other representatives of
the authorities during this trip of P. Semneby. He added that these
fundamental issues form the basis of confidence and cooperation in
close realtions between Armenia and the EU and are never ignored.

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