Russian-Armenian Traditionally Friendly Ties On Rise – Foreign Minis


Oct 29 2009

Yerevan, 29 October: Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said
traditionally friendly relations between Russia and Armenia are on
the rise.

In his message to participants in and guests of the second Russian
industrial exhibition "Expo Russia Armenia 2009", which opened in
Yerevan on Thursday [29 October], Lavrov said: "Traditionally friendly
relations between Russia and Armenia are on the rise."

Russian-Armenian relations "are based on strategic partnership and
ally ties, the principles of mutual benefit and respect of national
interests", the Russian minister said.

The message was read out by Russian ambassador to Armenia Vyacheslav

"Spiritual affinity, the close mutual relationship between our
cultures and sympathy unite the peoples of Russia and Armenia," Lavrov
said. "Trade and economic relations are developing dynamically. Trade
turnover is growing. Russian investments play a weighty role in key
branches of Armenia’s economy," he added.

"Such forums as Expo Russia Armenia play an important role in
strengthening Russian-Armenian interaction," the minister said. In
his words, the exposition is designed "to give an opportunity to
representatives of state structures, businessmen and the civilian
society in order to exchange experience and agree on new mutually
advantageous projects".

The Russian minister said he is convinced that the exhibition
"will make a contribution to the efforts on expanding multifaceted
cooperation between Russia and Armenia and help grow the prosperity
of our peoples".