ADL concerned over deterioration of Turkish-Israeli relations

ADL concerned over deterioration of Turkish-Israeli relations
31.10.2009 14:09 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ National Director of the Anti-Defamation League
(ADL) Abraham Foxman said tense relations between Turkey and Israel
should not affect `European-Turkish friendship’. `This is an old and
enduring friendship, so new problems cannot affect it,’ Foxman told a
session devoted to Turkish-European relations.

`If Turkey wishes to establish close ties with Arab and Middle East
countries, it has no problem. But why should it be to the detriment of
European friendship? I hope this will bear temporary character,’
Foxman said.

With regard to 1915 Armenian Genocide, Foxman said that ADL stuck to
its position on the issue. In his view the problems should be resolved
by Armenia and Turkey, vs US Congress or French Parliament.