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BAKU: Soldiers charged with high treason appeal to court

Trend, Azerbaijan
Oct 31 2009

Soldiers charged with high treason appeal to court in Azerbaijan


LENGTH: 292 words

Azerbaijan, Baku, Oct. 31 / Trend News H.Bagirov /

The court has considered the appeal of the soldiers of the Azerbaijani
Armed Forces accused of high treason.

The Shirvan Appeal Court held a trial to consider the appeal against
the Azerbaijani Serious Crimes Court’s decision on a criminal case of
the Azerbaijani Army’s soldiers, Elchin Mammadov, Orkhan Ismayilov,
Shamo Dashdamirov and Murshud Bagirov.

The lawyers of the accused filed a motion for a judicial inquiry in
connection with the appeal claiming that the trial process was biased
by the district court.

The court did not grant a motion and made a decision to consider the
appeal without a judicial inquiry.

The court canceled trial on consideration of the appeal and sent the
criminal case to the Supreme Court following the head of pleading’s
statements that they will appeal to the Supreme Court on this

Soldiers of the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry’s Military Unit No.N
located in the Fizuli region, Elchin Mammadov, Orkhan Ismayilov, Shamo
Dashdamirov and Murshud Bagirov, willfully deserted their posts and
met with the militaries of the enemy. During these meetings, the
soldiers informed the Armenians about military secrecy.

These persons are charged with Articles 274 (high treason) and 338.1
(infringement of rules on implementing fighting watch (fighting
service) on duly detection and reflection of sudden attack on the
Azerbaijan Republic or maintenance of its safety if this act could
harm interests of safety of the state) of the Criminal Code.

The Serious Crimes Court sentenced Murshud Bagirov to 14 years
imprisonment, Shamo Dashdamirov – 10 years and 6 months, Elchin
Mammadov – 12 and Orhan Ismailov – 13.

Khoyetsian Rose:
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