Categories: News

Armeconombank Encourages Fair Borrowers With $500 Credit Line


2009-11-02 12:03:00

ArmInfo. Armeconombank is launching a project on encouragement of fair
borrowers with MasterCard credit cards, opening a credit line of $500,
Head of Plastic Cards Department of Armeconombank Vardan Yeghiazaryan
told ArmInfo.

He said the bank schedules to provide new credit cards to the borrowers
having a multi- year positive credit history in Armeconombank. "I am
sure that our clients will be pleased to receive a new unsecured loan",
he emphasized and added that the annual interest rate on credits within
the frames of the action will be lower than the average market one.

According to Armeconombank’s data, the number of the bank’s plastic
cards as of October 1 made up 72056 pieces, 6818 of which are
MasterCard and 72056 – ArCa. The balance on the bank’s card accounts
as of this date made up 2.824 bln drams, and the size of credits on
cards – 1.571 bln drams. In general, Armeconombank had 51 ATM as of
October 1, 2009, 35 of which – in Yerevan and 16 – in the country’s
regions. The bank’s POS-terminals as of October 1 made up 210, 34 of
which – cashed (17 – in Yerevan, 17 – in the regions).

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