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Armenian Church Marks The Commemoration Day Of St. Stepannos


Nov 2 2009

Today Armenian Apostolic Church marks the commemoration day of
Sts. Pontiff of Rome St. Stepannos, the Priests, the Deacons and
the people.

The Pontiff of Rome St. Stepannos (Stephen) was born in Rome. He
was the Bishop of Rome since 254 AD. He has been the deacon of the
martyred Pope of Rome Lukianos and after the Popes’ death has been his
successor. According to the Armenian collection book "Haysmavourk",
St. Stepannos has been a courageous and zealous Pontiff leading his
flock, encouraging the faithful during the persecutions and exhorting
them to remain loyal to their faith. He has converted many heathens
to Christianity, and among the converted were the Prince Nemesios and
his blind daughter. After the latters’ baptism the daughter of the
Prince Nemesios becomes able to see, and the prince, witnessing that
miracle, asks the Pontiff to ordain him as a deacon. Becoming aware of
that fact, the King calls the Prince to him and orders him to offer
sacrifice to the idols. But the Prince refuses, and for the refusal
he is martyred together with his daughter. Another Prince and his
servants, who also were pious Christians, are martyred. According to
"Haysmavourk", 12 clergymen are subjected to torments and are martyred,
and the memory of those blessed clergy is commemorated with the memory
of the Pontiff St. Stepannos.

Once, when the pontiff St. Stepannos was celebrating a Divine Liturgy,
the soldiers surround the Church and wish to break the door. At
that time the Pontiff was giving Holy Communion to the faithful in
attendance. After his taking the Holy Communion the soldiers rush in
and kill the Pontiff in 257 AD.

Nargizian David:
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