U.S. Jews Assist Turkish Authorities


Nov 2 2009

Renowned Jewish organization in U.S. keeps on assisting the Turkish
authorities on Armenian cause. Abraham H. Foxman, National Director
of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) informed that their stance on
1915 events remained unchanged and keeps on assisting Ankara on the
matter, Turkish TRT e-source reports. He also expressed hope that
recent tension in Turkish-Jewish relations will be eased, as Turk-Jew
friendship has years’ history.

NEWS.am recalls that recently Abraham Foxman stated that they
recognize the 1915 events committed towards Armenians as Genocide,
however opposed the Armenian resolution enactment in the U.S. Congress.

In September end, Abraham Foxman, National Director of the
Anti-Defamation League was the first official who met with Turkish
Premier Recep Tayyip Erdogan, when he arrived for the UN Summit.

Foxman voiced their assistance to the Armenian-Turkish rapprochement.