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UIA International Competition: A New Business Center For Yerevan


http://www.constructali a.com/en_EN/news/actualidad_detalle.jsp?idDoc=4651 469&idCat=250663&desc=UIA%20international% 20competition:%20a%20new%20business%20center%20for %20Yerevan
Nov 2 2009

The International Union of Architects announces the launch of
an international competition for the design of a prestigious
multifonctional complex in the center of the city Yerevan in Armenia.

Strategically situated in the heart of the capital on a site of over
4 hectares, the complex will include notably an Intercontinental hotel.

This single stage competition is organized by Avangard Motors LLC
in collaboration with the Municipality of Yerevan and the Union of
Architects of Belarus and with the participation of the Armenian
Ministeries of Urban Development and of Diaspora.

In conformity with the UNESCO-UIA regulations, the competition has
been approved by the International Union of Architects.

Jury The international jury is composed of Edward Avetisyan (Russia)
President of Avangard Motors LLc, and Gagik Beglaryan Mayor of Yerevan,
and the following architects: Mkrtich Minasyan, President of the
Union of Architects of the Republic of Armenia, Michael Rotondi (USA),
Kakoto Watanabe (Japan), Enrique Sobejano (Spain), Alexander Korbut,
President of the Union of Architects of the Republic of Belarus.

Prizes: – First place prize – $70 000 USD, as well as, upon the mutual
consent, further cooperation on the development of the project.

– Second place prize – $30 000 USD.

– Third place prize – $15 000 USD.

After the announcement of the competition results, all projects will
be displayed in the exhibition of the "House of Moscow" in Yerevan,
Armenia. Attendance is open to everyone.

Timetable: Deadline for registration – 9 November 2009 (No registration
fee is required).

Deadline for submitting projects – 15 January 2010.

Jury meeting – 22-24 January 2010.

Tavakalian Edgar:
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