Categories: News

The Union Of Armenian Writers Has A New Publishing House


Nov 3 2009

Today in the Union of Armenian Writers was opened a new publishing
house after Levon Zaven Syurmelyan. Armenian General Benevolent Union
(AGBU) has covered the expenses of the publishing house, which has
provided the fund from the means of Levon Zaven Syurmelyan.

On the opening ceremony of the publishing house the president of
the Armenian Union of Writers Levon Ananyan, Perch Serdakyan the
President of the Armenian General Benevolent Union, writers and guests
were present.

The publishing house belongs to the Union of the Armenian writers
where the books of its members can be published as well as other
valuable literature.

"First of all the books of the members of the Union that are under
the governmental order will be published", – said Vahagn Mughnetsyan
the director of the new publishing house and informed the journalists
that the publishing house has been filled with the needed personnel
and machines and is ready to publish books this year already.

UAW president Levon Ananyan attached importance to the fact of the
UAW having its own publishing house and mentioned that still they
have a lot to do.

"We have many projects; to enlarge the publishing house and the
publishing institution", – mentioned the president of the Union of
the Armenian Writers and added that there are some areas next the UAW
publishing house which will later belong to one union of different
institutions like typing house, publishing center and editorials of
daily newspapers.

Besides all these events Levon Ananyan touched upon the project of
opening a bookstore in the UAW publishing house which as L. Ananyan
mentioned is their biggest dream.

Hovhannisian John:
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