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AAA: Assembly Holds Youth Roundtable Discussion on The Protocols

Armenian Assembly of America
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Assembly Holds Youth Roundtable Discussion on Armenia-Turkey Protocols

Armenian-American Youth Voice Support for Normalization of Relations

Washington, DC – Last week, the Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly),
in collaboration with the Armenian American Action Committee of
Washington, DC, (ARAMAC-DC) organized "Protocols & Progress: A Youth
Roundtable Discussion on Armenia-Turkey Relations." The discussion took
place in the main hall of the future home of the Armenian Genocide
Museum of America in downtown Washington, DC. Over 25 members of the
community were in attendance, mostly from local student and youth

Six discussants from universities and community groups provided a youth
perspective on the Armenia-Turkey protocols. The signing of the
protocols on October 10, 2009 in Zurich, Switzerland came upon the heels
of Armenian President Serge Sargsyan’s meeting with Diaspora
communities, in which major Armenian-American organizations

Throughout the discussion many important issues were raised, touching
upon such topics as broader Armenia-Turkey relations and the opening of
the border, the Armenian community’s response and the importance of
dialogue, diplomacy and the Diaspora moving forward.

Reflecting on the Armenian community reaction and the economic
implications of lifting the Turkish blockade, Levon Bagramian stated,
"the outrage that has been displayed by the Diaspora in response to the
Armenian Government’s recent attempts at rapprochement with Turkey is
understandable, but ultimately misguided. Armenia needs to have a more
reliable trading partner than she currently has, Armenia needs less
reliance on "all things Russian", and Armenia needs to put a wedge
between Turkey and Azerbaijan – normal relations with Turkey will get us
closer to these goals than the status quo. One sure hopes that the
Diaspora will continue its renewed interest and sense of entitlement
towards Armenia, and speak out when she often veers off of her path
towards democracy and rule of law."

Commenting on the topic of dialogue, diplomacy and the Diaspora, Haik
Gugarats stated, "even if we are not comfortable with one or another
point in the protocols, it is important to keep in mind how rare is this
window of opportunity that made the Armenian-Turkish rapprochement
possible. All the major players in the region, Russia, the European
Union, and the United States are involved in and support this process.
Armenia was right to take advantage of this, and must engage these
countries fully to make sure this process is complete in the next 6
months or so."

While there was debate over the differing interpretations of the
protocol language, the general consensus from the discussion revealed a
positive sentiment from Armenian-American youth on the process of
normalizing relations between Armenia and Turkey without preconditions
and within a reasonable time frame.

Panel discussants included: Aram Baghdjian, George Washington University
Armenian Student Network; Levon Bagramian, founder and coordinator of
Advocates for Armenia; Nick Bazarian, ARAMAC State Chair for Northern
Virginia and intern alumnus; Vahan Callan, ANCA capital gateway alumnus;
Haik Gugarats, former public relations officer at U.S. Embassy in
Yerevan and Armenian Embassy in DC; and Saro Kalayjian, Diocesan
Delegate for St. Mary’s Armenian Church.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian: “I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS
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