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Adana 1909 Focus of International Workshop in Istanbul

Gomidas Institute
42 Blythe Rd
London W14 0HA

Contact: Roland Mnatsakanyan
Email: info@gomidas.org

Adana 1909 Focus of International Workshop in Istanbul

Gomidas Institute is proud to announce that it is co-sponsoring a
special workshop in Istanbul on "Adana 1909: History, Memory and
Identity from a Hundred Year Perspective." The workshop will take place
on Nov 6-7 on the premises of Sabanci University with participants from
Europe and North America. The other co-sponsors are Sabanci University,
Istanbul Bilgi University History Department, the International Hrant
Dink Foundation, and Bogazici University History Department.

"The Gomidas Institute originally organised such a meeting in London.
However, the London event was rescheduled for Istanbul, when Turkish
colleagues expressed interest in hosting a bigger meeting in Turkey,"
said Ara Sarafian, director of the Gomidas Institute. "In order to
attract new scholars, especially from Turkey, a fresh call for papers
was made in May 2009–in English, Turkish and Armenian languages. We had
a good response. The workshop now has some excellent presentations,
including papers by scholars using original Ottoman archival records."

Most of the papers have already been distributed amongst the
participants to promote fruitful discussion at the workshop. This
meeting also promises to promote lasting bridges amongst scholars of
different backgrounds who are interested in Ottoman history.

Earlier this month, Gomidas Institute co-sponsored a special multi-media
event, "Remembering Adana," in Glendale, California with a special
month-long photographic exhibition (from Colulmbia University Rare Book
and Manuscript Library) at Glendale Public Library. For more information

Tvankchian Parkev:
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