Armenia Has Advantage In Information Warfare


Nov 4 2009

Danger which comes from Turkish media is same to danger related to
Azerbaijani media, told journalists Vice President of Armenian Public
Relations Association Arman Saghatelyan.

"There are some differences in development terms. While Armenia
and Azerbaijan over post-soviet phase have somehow or other common
development terms, Turkey is a much larger state referring to finance
or media. The biggest advantage of Information Warfare is that neither
state-size nor its financial ability really matter. Here a mechanism
of resonance comes into effect. Injecting small investments you can
bring into being more payoff than if you used three tank divisions,"
said Arman Saghatelyan. According to him, this is the advantage of
Armenia since Information Warfare a creative process, not mechanical
one, so chances and opportunities are great.

It is possible that Armenia’s answers are not enough, says the expert
adding that "We are not passive. You shouldn’t say the silence is
exactly wrong action. Sometimes it’s for the better."

Director of Helix Consulting, Aram Mkhitaryan, in his turn, praised
the importance of "speaking" Turkish Armenian on-line media.