Armenia Mediates Russia And Georgia

Nov 4 2009

The opening of "Upper Lars" checkpoint between Georgia and Russia
will be economical for both sides and constitutes no danger, considers
Georgian Foreign Minister Grigol Vashadze.

According to him, talks with Russia directly are not held, but the
issues are discussed under Armenia’s mediation.

"Georgian side deals with Armenia as a mediator and Armenia further
negotiates with Russia. There was one meeting on technical matters
only," GHN news agency quotes Vashadze.

The Georgian FM underlined that as of today none of the sides lays
down any precise conditions, also no preparation for any agreement
is being made.

As reported previously, Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili
proposed to bring up for discussion in National Security Council
the opening of frontier checkpoint on Russian-Georgian border "Upper
Lars". The checkpoint is not functioning since July, 2006. Officially,
the need for repairing and development in conformity with up-to-date
standards was the cause for the closure. This transit route was closed
also for Armenia.

In May 2009, Georgian MFA stated that Moscow informed Tbilisi of its
readiness to open Kazbegi-Upper Lars checkpoint. However, no precise
decision was made thereafter.