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The Apocalypse Of Armenia: The Protocols, The Coming Germ/Biological


World Sentinel
Nov 4 2009

Armenian Strategic Intelligence Report

The Armenians in The Republic of Armenia and the Armenians of Diaspora
are in turmoil on the question as to accept or to reject the so called
"Swiss Road-map, Protocols" advocated by the President of Armenia,
Serzh Sargsyan. Some valid proposals have been suggested by both the
opposition and the advocates of the Protocols. But, for the first
time it is hereby revealed the danger of physical extermination of
the Armenians in Armenia if the border between Armenia-Turkey and
Armenia-Azerbaijan is opened.

Attached is a map published in 2006, by Communicable Diseases World
Health Organization. Before discussing the map in detail and why
opening of the Armenia-Turkey border is a health hazard to Armenia,
let us look back at history–as history repeats itself.

453 A.D.: Attila the Hun, the Turkish-Tatar, Scourge of Mankind,
crossed the Italian border on his way to conquer Rome. But, an
epidemic brought by his troops from Cntral Asia, ravaged his army
and he retreated. Rome for now was saved from the barbarians.

542 A.D.: An invisible enemey strikes Constantinople, Byzantine Emperor
Justinian´s capital. Within a short period 50% of the population
of Constantinople died a horrible death. The killer was the Bubonic
Plague bacterium, which infected flees living in the furs of rats
which were carried on board of ships traversing the Black and the
Mediterranean Seas and by land across Europe to England and Ireland.

The epidemic killed 50% or over 100 million of the Empire´s

The pandemic was caused by the virus Yesinia pestis, better known
as The Bubonic Black Plague, which infected the flees on the Black
rodents called Rattus rattus. The original homeland of this virus
was and still is Central Asia and present Istanbul. From there the
Mongol-Turkic tribes carried the infectious individuals by land to
the Black Sea and from there by land and by sea to Constantinople.

The Black Plague practically destroyed the European civilization,
depopulated the lands, stopped trade, reduced agriculture and thus
put an end to Justinian´s empire.

During the Dark Ages of the 6th and 7th centuries, Europe was visited
by several outbreaks of the Plague.

1347 A.D.: From the Eastern Mongolia, Central Asia, once again the
world´s destruction arose. The Bubonic Plague first devastated Mongol
villages and moved to annihilate millions across the world. The vast
empire of the Mongols which extended from China to Eastern Europe,
was devastated by the pestilence.

In Crimea, the Italian city of Caffa on the Black Sea,was attacked by
the Mongols. Unable to take the city and they demselves suffering the
plague, the Mongols lifted their siege. But, before going away they
catapulted the diseased bodies of their soldiers over the walls of
Caffa. Soon, the city population died out in large numbers. A few
boarded on boats and sailed for Constantinople. Unknowingly they
carried on their ships the infected rats and people. The pestilence
spread rapidly thuout the city. A few ships harboured in Messina,
Italy. In a matter of days the city died in an agonizing death. More
ships sailed for the coast of France and from here the Black Death
spreads like wildfire.

>From 1347 to 1350, in just four years, more than half of the world
population perished. In England 2 million or 1/3 of the population
died. In Paris 50%, Barcelona 60%, and many places as high as 75-100%
died. In total 15 million of the world population was killed. The
Jews became the scapegoat for the plague. Thruout Europe, especially
Germany, Jews were slaughtered and burned on stakes. By the end of the
14th century no Jews remained in Europe. Except, Poland, whose king
who had married a Jewess, gave refuge and protection to the remnant of
the Jewish race. It was these Ashkenazi Jews, who in comming centuries
were to become a large minority in Europe, especially Germany, whose
descendents perished in WWII holocaust, under the Nazi regime.

1918: After WW I, Europe and the world suffered the most horrendous
epidemic, known as the Sapnish Inluenza. The virus originated in
Mongolia and passing thru China reached the West Coast of America.

>From there it travelled to a military camp in South-east U.S. One
soldier who was infected by the virus, was shipped to Europe with
his army unit. Soon the contagious disease exploded all over Europe
and United States. More than 40 million or as high as 50 million,
twice the casualties of the entire war, died. Again a pestilence
originated in Central Asia devastated the world.

What does this recount of history have to do with the Protocols,
the reader will ask? But before refering to the MAP, a few points
not discussed in the Protocols is to be clarified:

The Protocols, the Swiss mediated bilateral agreements between Armenia
and Turkey, like a Swiss cheese, is full of holes. It is in fact
an American-Turkish ruse in order to subjugate a weak Armenia into
accepting terms which are totally detrimental to Armenians worldwide.

By signing the "Treaty" and accepting the "Territorial Integrity" of
present Turkish Empire and establishing the "Historical Commision",
Armenia will capitulate to Turkey and Armenian Genocide Deniers will
proclaim that not only the Genocide did not take place, Armenia never
existed in history and thus the modern Republic of Armenia will have
no territorial claims for its ancestral homeland.

This is absulutely unacceptable to the Armenians.

By opening the Armenia-Turkish borders a new era of friendly
cooperation will develop between the neibor states, so say the
advocates of the Protocols. But, first of all, in International Law
closing of a border or blockade of one state against another is a
Declaration of War! As such both Turkey and Azerbaijan have declared
war against Armenia! Thus, as first step, Turkey (and Azerbaijan)
will have to renounce their declaration of war and declare that
the borders will be open after negotiations. Until then, Turkey and
Azerbaijan are at war with Armenia and any negotiations are not valid.

The Armenia-Turkey border in question should better be stated as
Armenia-Turkish Occupied Armenia border. The District of Kars-Ardahan,
was an internationally recognized territory of the Republic of Armenia,
in 1918. It was because of the Kemalist aggression and Stalin´s
Communist regime that cut away the district and annexed it to Kemalist
Turkey. Likewise, Karabakh and Nakhidjevan were Armenian territories
cut away by Stalin and given to friendly Azerbaijan. Thus, Armenia
cannot accept opening a border within its own rightfull territory,
albeit partly occupied by Turkey and Azerbaijan.

Opening of the borders will bring prosperity to Armenia by opening its
trade roots across Turkey to Europe, so say the pro-Protocols. Simply
ridiculous. From a civilized country like Armenia thru Turkish
territories still living the life of Dark Ages, Armenia will have
no economic or industrial benefits. Europe is too far away and the
road hellish. Armenia has no products–agricultural, industrial or
technological–to export to Turkey and Europe. Air connection will
be faster and cheaper than truck and auto trsansportations thru the
uncivilized, often barbaric Turkish territory.

Just the opposite. Turkey will gain all. It can produce and export
all kinds of goods to Armenia, cheaper and better, and in so doing
destroy the home agriculture and industry. Furthermore, it will flood
and pollute Yerevan by the hated Turkish migrants and business people,
who are already choking the European nations. The floodgates of Turks
will open on both ends–Europe and Armenia.

Turkey will not fully open the border. It will be only a bottleneck for
their exports. The major reason being that by a wide and truly open
border, the Alevis and Kurds of eastern Turkey, after hundred years
of persecution, genocide and oppression will suddenly be exposed
to Western civilization. Smuggling of arms to PKK, and revival
of Kurdish nationalism will tear apart Turkey into civil war and
eventual destruction.

Armenia should strengthen its economic, industrial and military
ties with Iran and Russia. Building a petroleum refinery in Armenia,
financed by Iran will be a salvation for Iran against future blockade
of gasoline via the Persian Gulf. Armenian scientists have decades
of experience in nuclear power plant engineering and technology. A
closer cooperation in building nuclear plants to produce energy will
be beneficial to both countries. Armenia and Iran have over three
thousand years of shared history. Armenia and Iran have certainly
been at war many times before, but neither one has committed genocide
against the other. Both Armenia and Iran have suffered centuries of
ravages by Turko-Tatar-Mongols. The Islamic Republic of Iran is a
haven for the Armenians.

By practically making Armenia as a stepping stone to connect Turkey to
Azerbaijan, all the way to Central Asia, the age old dream of a vast
Turanian Empire will be realized. The Euroepans do not care if Armenia
and Iran are once again terrorized by the genocidal Turks and Tatars.

They are ready to sacrifice both of these Aryan nations for the oil
and gas that can be obtained.

Russia will be rendered a third rate nation by being deprived of its
wealth that comes mainly from its control of Russian oil and gas
deliveries to Europe. And Iran will be isolated from contact with
Armenia and Russia and be defenseless against American and Israeli

Thus, agreeing to the Protocols, Armenia will be considered a puppet
state that would be the cause of demise of its only friends–Russia and
Iran. Armenia also will be isolated and surrounded by Turko-Tatars who
would at any opportunate time engage in annihilation of the Armenians.

The "Historical Commission" is a ruse to delay the recognition of
Armenian Genocide and Armenia´s territorial demands from Turkey. Since
1923, the Kemlists have purged, doctored, erazed, destroyed or simply
hidden away any documents that would confirm the guilt of Turks
as individuals and as a nation in committing the heinous crime of
massacres and deportations not only of the Armenians, but the Greeks
and Assyrians.

Furthermore, all such documents, including the Malta and Turkish
Court-Marshals trial documents, are written in Osmanli Turkish and in
Arabic script. Only a handful individuals can read and understand these
documents. As time passes only a few Turkish scholars will be able
to research them. A task that is impossible for a few individuals,
especially when researched by Turks. Therefore, Armenia should say
a resounding NO to the "Historical Commission."

The signing of the Protocols will also allow the infiltration of
Zionis Israel into the economy and politics of the Caucasus. Known,
but hardly talked about is the fact that Mustafa Kemal was a Doenmeh
Zionist Jew, an enemy of both Christianity and Islam. His so called
"National Liberation" movement was the continuation of the Young Turk
policy, most of whom were also Doenmeh Jews. The Republic of Turkey
is today controlled by about 10,000 Doenmeh Zionist Jews–banking,
industry, agriculture, trade and especially the military. It is not a
secret that the last two Chief of Staffs of the Turkish Armed Forces
were Jews!

Thus, a Jewish controlled Turkey, with its fangs plunged against the
heart of Armenia will in a short time dominate the Caucasus. And
the dream of the Zionists will come true who in 1918 attempted to
establish a Jewish state called "HAZARET IZRAELIT " in what was not
yet called Azerbaijan!

The Turko-American created Protocols will further divide the already
stressed Armenian society. Turkey will deliver a masterful blow–divide
and rule the Armenians, pit the Republic of Armenia against the
Armenian Diaspora!

Therefore, the Armenians in the homeland and disapora must reject
the treacherous action of President Serzh Sargsyan!


(You may need a good quality, 28lb paper to reproduce the map. Or
contact us as how to obtain a large size map)

This map was published by Communicable Diseases World Health
Organization, April 2006. It shows where in the world the H5N1 Bird
(Avian) Flu inluenza is confirmed.

The Swine Flu, H1N1, is presently spreading across the world. The
Swine Flu is mild influenza, similar to the regular flu. Worldwide
vaccines are being produced in order to vaccinate first the children
and then the adults. It is unknown what effect this newly developed
vaccination will do–cure or complicate the problem. Death from the
Swine Flu is rare.

But, the case of the Bird Flu is different. If confined to bird
populations–wild or domestic–the virus of H5N1 is communicable
within the birds. If the virus mutates and is able to pass from bird
to human and from human to human, then the epidemic resulting from
this pandemic will be disastrous. There is no vaccine nor there is
any possibility of developing a vaccine. So societies struck by Bird
Flu will have no cure or resistance against it. Death is assured.

This World Map shows that of all places, Turkey is where most of the
cases of Avian Flu have been recorded and where most of the deaths
have occured. In 2006, 61 cases of bird to human, H5N1 type, were
recorded. Of these 27 were in the Far East, spread out on a vast area;
34 in the Middle East; and total of 20 registered in Turkey and Tatar
Azerbaijan. The Avian Flu so far has been infected domestic birds. But
once it evolves (in highly concentrated areas like Turkey) into a type
that can spread from human to human, then an epidemic of catastrophic
degree will result. There are no safe vaccines against the influenza.

Europe and Near East countries, as well as the Americas, are directly
under the threat of Avian Flu which is mostly concentrated in Turkey
(33%)! Will the Turkish Avian Influenza, as "The Balck Death/Plague",
another threat from Turkey, wipe out the European populations?

Look at the Map again. The areas in Turkey with most Bird Flu
concentrations are near Istanbul, south on the Syrian border and
east on the borders of Armenia and Iran. Likewise the concentration
in Azerbaijan is near the border of Karabakh. Thus Armenia is not
only squeezed between genocidal Turko-Tatars, but between the areas
of active Bird Flu regions.

It does not stretch imagination to see what can happen when the
Armenia-Turkey borders are opened. There is a very good chance
that by accident or by deliberate action, the Bird Flu virus will
be transferred to Armenia. While the residents of Eastern Turkey
and Turks in general have developed somewhat immunity towards Bird
Flu virus, H5N1, and the plague carrying virus Yesinia pestis,
Armenians have no immunity towards either one. It will take only
one H5N1 infected Turk to spread the virus across open border of
Armenia. Only one H5N1 infected bird carried to Armenia in trade,
can spread across Armenia. This will be tantamount to Germ/Biological
Warfare. This Turkish Virus will decimate the Armenian as well as
Iranian populations.

Therefore, if for no other reason, but for prevention of annihilation
of the Armenian people, it is hereby demanded from President Serzh
Sargsyan, to indefintely postpone the signing of the Protocols.

Instead, the Armenian Government must require from the World Health
Organization to send its medical experts, find and destroy any traces
of H5N1 infected birds throughout Turkey and quarantine infected
humans. Only then Armenia and even Europe must fully open borders
with Turkey without any preconditions. Until then Armenia should
look at Turkey as the Biblical Valley of Gehena, The Hell, where
in ancient times the trash of the city of Jerusalem was thrown and
occasionally burned.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian: “I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS
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