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Balkans: US-Style Wahhabism

Vladislav Gulevich (Ukraine)


Over a year ago the US and its European vassals had recognized
the independence of Kosovo. What will not be forgotten are the
fortitude of Serb patriots and the disgusting Hague trials during
which unbelievably unfair sentences were handed out to them. Yet, the
story is far from over. These days hundreds of NGOs based in the US,
Europe, and Arab countries are "promoting democracy" in Kosovo. It
should be realized to what extent their activities mesh with those
of the Albanian criminal underworld.

In Kosovo a dense network of mostly Islamic non-government foundations
and organizations are establishing numerous schools, ostensibly
to study Koran but practically to pursue an agenda not limited to
the dissemination of religious knowledge. In particular, the system
includes a number of Saudi organizations such as Al-Haramain Islamic
Foundation, Joint Committee for Rescuing Kosovo and Chechnya, and The
Saudi Joint Committee for the Relief of Kosovo, as well as Muslim
NGOs from other countries – Al Vakh Al Islami, The World Assembly
for Muslim Youth, The International Islamic Relief Organization,
The Society of the Revival of Islamic Heritage, and Kaliri il Merilis.

All the Saudi foundations are operated by the Saudi Relief Committee
headquartered in Riyadh. Its Kosovo office is located on the Bill
Clinton Boulevard in Pristina. The Kosovo branch is headed by
Jael Hamza Dzalaidan, an individual linked to Osama Bin Laden. The
mission of the Committee is to coordinate the efforts of all Saudi
NGOs in the former Yugoslavia aimed at spreading the Wahhabi brand
of Islam, with which the population of the geographic region was not
even familiar prior to the NATO occupation. The Committee provides
financial support to a range of Albanian organizations espousing
extremist views such as the Islamic Student Front, Prizren Youth,
and Albanian Youth of Kosovo and is also known to have sponsored the
terrorist Albanian National Army.

When Arab charities in Kosovo offer aid to villages and towns,
the consent of their residents to the construction of new mosques
is set as the prerequisite. Agents of Saudi intelligence services
establish contacts with the imams of the new religious centers, and
the believers attending them are subsequently regarded as candidates
for recruitment. Routinely the mosques are visited by Arab preachers
– typically individuals with combat experience from Lebanon, Iran,
Iraq, and Pakistan – who also act as military instructors. Along with
religious indoctrination they teach the younger generation of Kosovars
combat in urban settings and sabotage. Liaison officers of the Islamic
Jihad terrorist group based in Egypt were spotted in Kosovo. There
is a community of Albanian students at the Cairo University, a school
notorious for serially bringing up Muslim terrorists.

Muslim terrorists are especially active in the Prizren and Pec
regions. Communities of followers of the most aggressive Islamic
movements reside in Pec, and, unfortunately, support for them at
the Balkans is broadening. It is generally believed that there exist
three main centers of Islamic extremism at the Balkans – in Skopje
(Macedonia), Tirana (Albania), and Kosovo.

US security expert and OSCE Kosovo mission officer Thomas Gimble
asserts that Kosovo has grown into a heaven for Islamic terrorist
organizations and that Al Qaeda is massively pouring money into
the region. The Saudi Arabia, Iran, Bahrain, and Qatar as well as
the Hezbollah terrorist group are jointly forming a whole army of
jihadists potentially numbering up to 75,000 people.

The process underway in Kosovo is not an Islamic renaissance but the
advent of Wahhabism which is the most aggressive and irreconcilable
aberration of Islam. It is driven not only by the Saudi Arabia
but also by its "big brother" – the US. The latter may claim to
be uprooting Wahhabism in Afghanistan but, strange as it may seem,
the US has no problem coexisting with it in Kosovo. Manipulations
perpetrated by the US are meant to create a source of permanent
tension and destabilization in Europe. It is not surprising, therefore,
that Western humanitarian missions – Charles Stuart Mott Foundation,
East-West Management Institute, Foundation for Democratic Initiatives,
The Balkan Trust for Democracy, The German Marshall Fund, Rockefeller
Brothers Fund – are working side by side with Wahhabi preachers.

It is stated proudly at the site of the Charles Stuart Mott Foundation
that currently NGOs are mushrooming in Kosovo. According to Kosovo
branch head Bakshim Rahmani, the number of NGOs registered in the
province has reached 5,000!

Implementing its political projects in the region, the US cooperates
tightly with the leaders of the Albanian mafia. Curiously, "the
world’s foremost democracy" and the Albanian criminal groups seem
to have common objectives. The most influential leaders of Albanian
criminal underworld are Rami Mustafi, leader of the Rami-Guys group
controlling the east of Kosovo (Kacanik-Gnilana-Vitina), Albanian
politician Hashim Thaci, Recep Salemi, and Agim Cheku. The merger of
the Albanian politics and organized crime brought to life a monster
which poses a threat to the entire Central and South Europe. Backed
by Tirana and Washington, the Albanian organized crime is forging
political parties to infiltrate the Kosovo administration. For example,
Thaci, Salemi, and Cheku established the Kosovo Democratic Party. Their
allies are notorious individuals like Havit Haliti, Suleyman Semimi,
Agim Shyla, and Samid Lushtaku. Lushtaku and Semimi are the founders
of the Kosovo Liberation Army and former field commanders of the
Defense Corps Kosovo. All of these people have individual sectors
of responsibility in the politics and organized crime spheres while
acting under the control of the Democratic Party of Kosovo. So,
Thaci is the party leader, and Haliti is the director of secret
service and financial operations.

Currently the top criminal positions in Kosovo are shared by the
Rami-guys and several other groups having links with US and Albanian
intelligence services. Some of them are characterized below.

The Brakai group is led by brothers Albert, Ilin, and Fatmir Brakai.

They maintain close ties with former Albanian Prime Minister and
present-day parliamentarian Fatos Nano. Information about the
connections between Nano and the Albanian mafia in Italy surfaces
regularly in the Italian media. The Brakai group controls Pristina
and the territories along the Drenica Valley.

The dominion of former Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj’s
group spans Pec-Decani-Dakovica. It is sponsored by major Albanian
businessman and arms smuggler Ekrem Luka. The arms deliveries are
controlled by Luka’s trustee Ali Haski who is linked to Albania’s
SHIK security service. Luka is an ally of Thaci’s clan connected to
it via Haliti.

Several other groups are also dominant in the formerly Serbian Kosovo.

Florim Maloku controls the smuggling of cigarettes, cars, and alcohol
into Kosovo (he is known to have donated $300 to the Kosovo Liberation
Army in the past). Ismet Aslani, an individual linked to Thaci and to
Kosovo’s number one smuggler Nuredin Ibishi, controls the deliveries
of marijuana, heroin, and fuel to the region. Salli Nimani, whose
donations to the cause of the Kosovo Liberation Army totaled $3 mln,
supplies firearms from Albania, occasionally transiting them by cars
with diplomatic license plates. He also helps former Kosovo Liberation
Army guerrillas find jobs in Presevo, Medveda and Bujanovac, thus
broadening the niche of his criminal activity. As a result, currently
Nimani is also smuggling firearms into the above regions. Shukri Buya,
a smuggler and a confidant of SHIK and the Albanian mafia, sponsors
the Black Eagle paramilitary formation.

As it follows from all of the above, the Islamization of the formerly
Serbian territories is paralleled by their criminalization. The
Albanian mafia patronized by Washington is penetrating the Kosovo
administration and propelling its agents to significant political and
government positions. Given the current disposition, the abandoned
Serbian minority in the region has practically no chances to survive.

"My beloved Serbia, I am ready to sacrifice my life in your name. I
am aware what I give away and for what". This was the vow of Serbian
volunteers preparing to fight the enemies of their country. Hopefully,
Serbs will find the strength not to give in at the face of new

Khoyetsian Rose:
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