Free Screening of The River Ran Red, Tribute to Vartkes Broussalian

National Association for Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR)
395 Concord Ave.
Belmont, MA 02478
Tel.: 617-489-1610
E-mail: [email protected]


The National Association for Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR) and
the UCLA Friends of Armenian Studies will present a special evening in
tribute to the late Dr. Vartkes Broussalian, featuring a free showing of
Dr. J. Michael Hagopian’s documentary The River Ran Red, on Saturday,
November 21, at 7:00 p.m., at the Glendale Central Library Auditorium,
222 E. Harvard Street (2nd floor), Glendale, CA.

About Dr. Vartkes Broussalian

Dr. Vartkes Broussalian (1928-2009) was a brilliant economist trained at
the London School of Economics and UCLA whose career spanned more than
half a century. He held senior-level positions in various branches of
the United States Government including the Executive Office of the
President; he taught at several major universities including Duke and
UCLA; and he served as an advisor to the newly formed democratic
governments of Armenia and Moldova in the early 1990s.

Dr. Broussalian served on the NAASR Board of Directors from 1991 until
2003 and was actively involved in the UCLA Friends of Armenian Studies,
serving as Chairman of the Board from 2001-2003.

About The River Ran Red and Dr. J. Michael Hagopian

Culminating more than forty years of interviews with more than 400
eyewitnesses to the Armenian Genocide of 1915, The River Ran Red is the
final film of documentarian Dr. J. Michael Hagopian’s trilogy "The
Witnesses." The film was awarded first prize at the 2009 New York
International Film & Video Festival for Best International Historical

The River Ran Red is about Hagopian’s epic search for survivors of the
Genocide who were sent to their fate along the Euphrates River to the
Syrian Desert and Der Zor. Footage from many interviews with survivors
carried out over several decades gives the film tremendous power and

The evening will include a conversation with Dr. Hagopian about the film
and he will offer his personal reflections on Dr. Vartkes Broussalian.
UCLA doctoral candidate Ara Soghomonian will conduct a
question-and-answer session with Hagopian.

Dr. J. Michael Hagopian pioneered the effort to document the Armenian
Genocide through films such as: Where Are My People, The Forgotten
Genocide, The Armenian Case, The Armenian Genocide, Voices from the Lake
and Germany and the Secret Genocide. He holds a doctorate in
International Relations from Harvard University.

Refreshments will be served prior to the 7:30 screening of The River Ran

More information about the event is available by contacting the UCLA
Friends of Armenian Studies at 310-275-2767 or NAASR 617-489-1610 or
[email protected], or by writing to NAASR, 395 Concord Ave., Belmont, MA