Categories: News

Swine Influenza Threatens Olympics


05.11.2009 16:13 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Over the four months before the Olympics-2010
started nine people died from complications caused by swine flu in
Canada. This is the highest death rate from influenza H1N1 among all
provinces and territories of Canada this fall.

In the the province, as well as throughout the country, there is
a shortage of vaccine doses of H1N1, produced by the only vendor –
the laboratories of the GlaxoSmithKline pharmaceutical company. All
Canadians who wish to get vaccinated against swine flu can do this
only by early December, eurosport.ru reports. Winter Olympic Games
will be held in Canadian Vancouver and Whistler from February 12 to
28 , 2010. Medical authorities in the region has already advised all
participants of the games to be grafted from H1N1 in advance before
arriving to Canada.

Hambardsumian Paul:
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