Categories: News

NKR: Introduce Order And Lawfulness In Breadmaking


NKR Government Information and
Public Relations Department
November 04, 2009

Today, the NKR Prime Minister Ara Haroutyunyan has met with the
representatives of the Republic’s bakeries and discussed the state,
existent in the sphere, which causes anxiety. The head of the
Government informed that recently inspective check-ups were conducted
in nearly a score of bakeries, where inadmissible facts were revealed.

According to the information of the medical service employees,
in dozens of bakeries hygiene and sanitary norms are not observed,
necessary conditions for breadmaking are lacking, organization of
servicing is on a low level. In the result of check-ups a number
of bakeries were fined, and in five enterprises production was
concurrently ceased.

The Prime Minister A.Haroutyunyan emphasized that "we are dealing with
the problem of the population’s health", therefore it is necessary
to undertake all urgent measures to create normal conditions
for breadmaking. The state is ready to extend a helping hand to
entrepreneurs. The Premier informed that they may take advantage of
favourable credits from "Artsakh Investment Fund" for reconstruction
and accomplishment of their enterprises.

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