NKR: Prime Minister Received Representatives Of Armenian Aid Union (


NKR Government Information and
Public Relations Department
November 05, 2009

Today, NKR Prime Minister received the representatives of Armenian
Aid Union, among them Vicki Marashlyan, Zhirayr Pechekyan and
Margarita Taranyan. During the meeting various issues concerning the
charitable programmes being implemented in the spheres of education
and healthcare by AAU, as well as those concerning the arrangements
envisaged towards the 100 th anniversary of the organization were
discussed. The Chairman of the AAU Executive Commission Mrs Marashlyan
noted that the organization tries to continue its programmes in spite
of the existent difficulties caused by the world international crisis,
because the implementation of charitable projects in NKR is one of
the most important issues of the organization. Zhirayr Pechekyan
presented some information about the plans of the forthcoming year,
particularly, the organization is intended to pay for the education
of one student from the Republic in Lebanon since 2010.

During the meeting the Prime Minister informed the guests about the
Government’s intention to open several modern infant schools, as well
as to take measures towards improving the state in the sphere. The
Prime Minister added that the Government is ready to support the fund
in overcoming the difficulties arising during the implementation of
its programmes.

NKR Minister of Education and Science V.Khachatryan and representative
of the ARF Central Committee of Artsakh D.Ishkhanyan partook in
the meeting.