ANKARA: Prime Ministry’s 100th publication a gesture to Baku

Today’s Zaman, Turkey
Nov 7 2009

Prime Ministry’s 100th publication a gesture to Baku

At a time when the Turkish government has been taking steps to
normalize relations with Armenia, which has led to concerns in
Azerbaijan, the Prime Ministry has allocated its 100th publication to
Nagorno-Karabakh, a region at the center of a long-standing dispute
between Azerbaijan and Armenia.

Turkey and Armenia signed an agreement last month to reinstate formal
ties and reopen the closed border between two countries, a move met
with concern in Baku, who slammed its ally Ankara for agreeing to
normalize ties with Yerevan, suggesting that the protocols signed by
Armenia and Turkey have cast a shadow over the relationship between
Ankara and Baku.

In a gesture to Baku, the Prime Ministry recently covered the history
of Nagorno-Karabakh in its 100th publication, titled `Karabakh in the
Ottoman Archives.’ Speaking to Today’s Zaman about the publication,
The Prime Ministry’s State Archives General Director Yusuf Sarınay
said they planned to send copies of the book to the Azerbaijani
government. He said the 700-page book covers the relations of the
Ottoman Empire with the region starting from 1590.

07 November 2009, Saturday