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Director General of ArmenTel: Orange tariffs no threat for us

Director General of ArmenTel: Orange tariffs are not dumping and are
no threat for us

2009-11-06 16:34:00

ArmInfo. Orange tariffs are not dumping and are no threat for
ArmenTel, Director General of ArmenTel Igor Klimko told journalists,
Friday, when commenting on yesterday’s launch of services of Orange,
the third cellular operator of Armenia. "The expectations for
ultra-low prices from the new operator have fallen short. If you
attentively look at the tariffs offered by our competitor, you’ll see
that they are not dumping, but on the contrary, reasonable with
respect to the other two operators. But I wouldn’t be mistaken if I
say that ArmenTel has been the trendsetter in the field of mobile
communication for a long time. I think the tariff plans "For you" and
"For you – exclusive" offered by us are the most interesting tariff
plans for each consumer today",- Klimko said.

"As for the prices for internet offered by Orange, I don’t think they
seriously threaten our position in the market. Just compare our
pricing facilities. Our new competitor offers a USB-modem for 1 AMD,
one-time fee for connection is 35 thsd AMD, monthly payment is 9 thsd
AMD. ArmenTel’s internet costs 12.5 thsd AMD, and the modem costs 18
thsd AMD. I think our offer is quite attractive",- Klimko said.

ArmenTel (Beeline trademark) is a subsidiary of VimpelCom OJSC. The
company is an operator of fixed and cellular communication and
provider of broadband internet. Orange Armenia is a subsidiary of
France Telecom. The official entry of the company to the Armenian
market took place on November 5. The company provides mobile
communication and broadband internet.

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