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I would hardly think there could be a conflict over Karabakh again

news.am, Armenia
Nov 7 2009

I would hardly think there could be a conflict over Karabakh again:
Bruno Scapini

11:12 / 11/07/2009The Ambassador of Italy to Armenia H.E. Bruno
Scapini kindly agreed to answer NEWS.am questions. Please find the
full interview below.

Q.: Mr. Scapini, please outline the scope of Italyâ??s interests in
Armenia and region on the whole. How important the region is for Rome
and what are the reasons for that?

A.: Well, I want to say that Italy, of course, is interested in
establishing good relations with all countries of the world. But with
Armenia, I think that the state of relations has been up to now
underweight, because there are a lot of potentialities that have been
going to my view, since independence, a little too silent. So we just
need now to bring up to the light all these potentialities, because
from the perspective of the two countries, I think, there are many
things we can share. There is a large convergence of economic and
cultural interests and cultural models that actually can be a very
good resource for cooperation. What I mean to say is that you need to
develop an economic export oriented basis, and the approach that the
Italian entrepreneurs might have can be conducive to a very good
result and to a very good collaboration.

Q.: Do you think it is possible to attract investments from Italy or
elsewhere to develop economy in Armenia?

A.: Yes, it is possible, but of course itâ??s important to have the
right knowledge of the entrepreneurships of the two countries. And I
think one of the very first things we must think of in the future is
just to develop good opportunities to get the Italian entrepreneurship
to come to Armenia and vice-versa in order to improve mutual knowledge
and mutual acquaintance.

Q.: Presently, the Armenian-Turkish normalization process launched.
What is Italyâ??s position in this regard? To your mind, will Ankara
open the border gate?

A.: Well, the problem of the Turkish border, I think, is just one of
the two important questions of foreign policy that Armenia has to face
to. The other question of course is Nagorno-Karabakh and generally
speaking, I am inclined to think that the solution of your regional
problems is just the prerequisite in order to give the opportunity to
Armenia to develop economically. And the position of Italy is to
support all peaceful initiatives in order to settle in a definite
manner these questions. Italy considers as praiseworthy the Armenian
position to try to solve these problems in a peaceful way and through
negotiations. The OSCE Minsk Group activity is very important in this
perspective because it can really help the country to overcome all the
difficulties that can derive from the single bilateral relations
between Armenia-Turkey on one side and Armenia-Azerbaijan on the
other. But I think itâ??s really urgent today to solve these regional
problems, because that can allow the country to look into the future
in a positive way, without barriers. That is most important. So, I
think that to talk about the possibility to eliminate this obstacle
with Turkey can really help the country in order to gain a wider
market. And that is what the Armenian Government shows to have in mind
now with the present step taken with the two Protocols for the
establishment of diplomatic relations. But I think the other problem
is to reach a peaceful settlement of Nagorno-Karabakh crisis. That is
also another important factor in order not only to open the borders
towards other areas of the region, but also to inspire the necessary
trust for foreign investors.

Q.: Do you think that opening of the border will stimulate the
export-import and cooperation between Armenia and Turkey?

A.: Why not? I think that even today I see a lot of contacts with
Turkey for touristic purposes. As Armenian tourists go to Turkey, it
could be possible just the contrary. So I think this factor is also of
great significance. In any case to have closed borders for a country
is not a favorable condition. It is important, particularly for
Armenia, which is a landlocked country, to have free trade with
foreign partners and at a lesser cost. In this respect I look upon the
program that the Government launched about the construction of
highways and railways with great interest.

Q.: Another problematic issue of the region is Karabakhi conflict.
What do you think, will the parties eventually reach a consensus? Will
Karabakh achieve independence?

A.: Actually, I think that two partners involved should solve the
problem in a peaceful way and it would be just a folly to think
otherwise. I do feel that a compromise must be found. A compromise
does not mean that either party should give up its views, but itâ??s
just a matter of adjustment sometimes, just to balance the needs of
the parties involved. I think, in this perspective, that the work the
OSCE Minsk Group is doing now about Nagorno-Karabakh, is just the
proper way to cope with this question. In other words the Minsk Group
is trying to get both parties to come to a compromise. Compromise
means to be reasonable, to accept logical situations and conditions
that can be beneficial to both sides. We speak of globalization today,
but globalization implies transparency. We must get involved in this
process, but in a sound way, which means we must cooperate and
activate partnerships at all levels in order to solve the problem.

Q.: Speaking globally, how can be Italy interested in Armenia?

A.: Given the presence of a wide convergence of links between our two
countries, based not only on religion, Christianity, but also on
common historical experience, I think that there is a very good
disposition on the side of Armenia to collaborate with Italy in many
fields and not only economically, but also culturally. And from the
cultural viewpoint, I think that much can be done to improve our
contacts and cooperation, for instance is the field of opera. I
noticed since the beginning of my stay here that there is a very
strong disposition on the part of Armenia to develop the knowledge of
lyric singing, which means that Italy, being the cradle of opera, can
offer the best product to cooperate, and that is exactly what we are
planning to do. Then, we have also many projects of cooperation in
order to help Armenia to restore archeological sites and that is also
a very important point. We have an archeological mission supported by
the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, through a special body, which
is the CNR (National Research Center) concerning the area of the Lake
of Sevan. It is going to complete its work next year. Then we have
also other projects through international organizations that are being
carried out with the assistance of the United Nations Development
Program: for example the project in the village of Lusadzor â?? which
was recently completed â?? and the one for brucellosis control with FAO.
Another relevant point of the economy is the development of rural
areas and in that field I think we can afford to be optimistic about
the future.

Q.: What is the probability of Armenia-Azerbaijan military conflict in
the light of changes in the region after the August 2008 war?

A.: This is a very strong question, because I would hardly think there
could be a conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh again. What happened almost
twenty years ago should just be once and for all. Now I would prefer
to talk about the possible peaceful solution and it is actually what
Italy wants. To resort to weapons or military confrontation is not in
the interest of any of the parties involved â?? neither Armenia, nor

Q.: The other day you stated that Italy is ready to assist the
construction of Yerevan-Batumi highway and Iran-Armenia railway.
Please specify how Italian side could participate in these projects.

A.: When I had the meeting with the RA Minister of Transport and
Communication I said that Italy could be ready to evaluate any form of
participation in transport field. What I meant is that there are some
procedures to follow, as these important works need to be publicized
through international biddings. Italian enterprises can participate,
but they have to abide by certain conditions that will be stated by
Armenian authorities. To be able to carry out the work, funds should
be provided, but I think those who are interested in carrying out the
work can also consider some kind of financial assistance. But that is
a technical matter actually. According to me there could surely be
Italian enterprises interested in Armenia. And I will do my best to
assist Italian entrepreneurships also in this kind of perspective.

Taslakhchian Andranik:
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