Karabakh settlement impossible without a powerful outside influence

David Babayan: Karabakh settlement impossible without a powerful
outside influence
07.11.2009 20:17

Siranush Muradyan

`The settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict is impossible in the
near future without a powerful and strong outside influence,’ NKR
President’s Spokesman David Babayan told `Radiolur.’

Commenting on Armenian Foreign Minister’s statement that the status
and security of Karabakh are the core issues of negotiations today,
David Babayan said: `This is a conflict between Azerbaijan and
Karabakh. Therefore, all the issues in the process should be discussed
with participation of the Karabakhi side.’

Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian had declared earlier at
the National Assembly that the status and security of Nagorno Karabakh
were discussed at the negotiations.

`Karabakh has determined its status long ago,’ David Babayan said. As
for the timeferam for resolution of the conflict, David Babayan says
no solution can be expected within the coming 3-4 years unless there
is a powerful and strong outside influence.