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Parliamentary candidate on trial and double-headed Hnchakyan: weekly

news.am, Armenia
Nov 7 2009

Parliamentary candidate on trial and double-headed Hnchakyan: weekly review

12:16 / 11/07/2009

Domestic policy This week has been marked by an even sharper conflict
within the opposition Social Democratic Party (SDP) Hnchakyan, which
forms part of the Armenian National Congress (ANC) led by Levon
Ter-Petrosyan. This, however, is `a much more’ global conflict than
the ones that are `integral part’ of Armenia’s domestic political
life. The point is that most of the SDP members are foreign
citizens. This traditional national party has always had a chapter
network in Armenian communities throughout the world, whereas it has
never played a significant role in Armenia’s political life. After
joining the radical opposition forces, which was initiated by Head of
the SDP Armenian chapter Lyudmila Sargsyan, the party acquired some
influence. No serious tension between the Armenian and oversees
chapters, including the Central Office, has so far been noticed. After
the SDP’s congress, as well as on the threshold of the republican
congress, a split has opened up within the party, which shows a
growing tendency. Substantial disagreements arose over the three
traditional national parties’ cooperation in protesting against the
Armenian-Turkish protocols. After the recent meeting between the
leaders of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF),
Ramkavar-Azatakan Party (RAP) and SDP, the split showed itself `in
full measure.’ The point is that the ARF, which has for many years
formed part of various ruling coalitions, was harshly critical of the
Armenian-Turkish protocols without, however, demanding the resignation
of RA President Serzh Sargsyan, who initiated `football diplomacy.’
Moreover, the ARF actually rules out the possibility of cooperation
with the principal opposition force, ANC, with the SDP being an active
ANC member. The result is a situation when the SDP chapter in Armenia
does not see itself in the same political camp with the ARF. The party
leaders abroad, however, took steps toward cooperation with the other
national parties, with many having serious doubts about their being
really opposition political forces. The affair may come to a head at
the congress of the SDP Armenia, which will show the `stronger side.’
At present, however, the SDP office in Yerevan is reporting
contradictory information: now we receive reports that Vardan
Khachatryan, which recently joined the party, has been expelled, now
we receive the opposite reports. As regards the opposition mass media,
they appraised the authorities’ attempts to form a constructive
opposition to `their taste’, which Opposition has actually been formed
by three national parties. In this case, the leaders of the SDP
Armenia are viewed as the only obstacle due to their radical

Some events related to the by-elections to the RA Parliament are
worthy of note. The by-elections in Election District #10 are
scheduled for January 10, 2010. Suren Surenyants, the Political
Council member, Republic Party, obeyed the leaders and did not apply
for registration. After the political scientist Hamayak Hovhannisyan
stated his intention to withdraw in favor Nikol Pashinyan,
Editor-in-Chief of the Haykakan Zhamanak newspaper, who is on trial
now, it became obvious that the Opposition proved able to settle some
disagreements and combine efforts to support the opposition candidate
at the by-election. Now Nikol Pashinyan’s participation in the
election as an opposition candidate depends exclusively on the course
of his trial: Nikol Pashinyan can run for Parliament if no court
verdict is returned on him before the elections day. As regards the
participation of the ARF member Rafael Aivazyan, the situation is
clear now. After his `identity’ as an ARF member was found out, Rafael
Aivazyan withdrew himself. Thus, we can state that the ARF, which is
trying to show itself as an opposition party, decided to escape
accusations of conspiracy with the authorities by `settling matters’
with its `disobedient’ member.

RA Ombudsman Armen Harutyunyan stated that he prepares to publish a
report on the right to fair trials by the end of this year. The
document is of special interest, as it will embrace trials of the
opposition members arrested during last year’s post-election
processes. Let us see whether the Armenian Ombudsman will come under
criticism by both the authorities and the Opposition. After he
appraised the objectivity of the ad hoc commission set up to
investigate the events on March 1, 2008, it was only the Opposition
that voiced criticism.

Nagorno-Karabakh peace process and region

Before the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs’ visit to the region on November
5, Peter Semneby, EU Special Representative for the South Caucasus,
made rather strange statements. The high-ranking European official’s
aims remained unclear, but not the consequences of his statements. Mr.
Semneby’s statement that the settlement of the most complicated
problem ‘ the status of Nagorno-Karabakh ‘ was to be postponed for an
uncertain period, evoked official Yerevan’s violent reaction, the more
so because the recent period has shown a marked tendency to deeper
differences between the parties to the Nagorno-Karabakh peace process.
In this context the aim of announcing the settlement terms initially
rejected by the Armenian side just on the threshold of the OSCE MG
Co-Chairs’ visit to the region thereby exacerbating situation remains
unclear. The Armenian authorities encounter serious difficulties in
convincing the public of the necessity for painful concessions. All of
a sudden, a high-ranking European official makes a statement, which
actually corroborates the Armenian Opposition’s claims on an
unfavorable course of the Nagorno-Karabakh peace process. The only
thing that remains is to guess at the reasons for Mr. Semneby’s
actions. It is obvious, however, that they certainly produced a
negative effect on the Co-Chairs’ visit to the region. As to the visit
results, they will be clear later, after information on what was
really discussed is available.

RA President Serzh Sargsyan made an important statement on the
international community’s biased assessments of the Nagorno-Karabakh
peace process. `Insufficient awareness of the Artsakh problem,
Azerbaijan’s impermissible speculation on religious solidarity result
in wrong decisions by the Organization of Islamic Conference,’ the
Armenian leader stated at his meeting with the Emir of Kuwait.

The ruling coalition has at last begun thinking of coordinating the
work to oppose the anti-Armenian propaganda launched by Azerbaijan.
Naira Zohrabyan, the Parliament member of the Prosperous Armenia
Party, advanced a concrete proposal. `Azerbaijan is spending huge
funds on anti-Armenian propaganda, and we are late with an adequate
response,’ she said. The representative of the ruling coalition, who
is also a member of the Armenian delegation to the Parliamentary
Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) and has witnessed
manifestations of Azerbaijan’s fierce anti-Armenian campaign, proposed
forming a coordinating body to `give a prompt and adequate response to
the authorities of the neighboring state.’

As the ratification of the Armenian-Turkish protocols by the Armenian
and Turkish Parliaments is being delayed, Turkish top-ranking
officials never miss a chance to link the Armenia-Turkey normalization
and Nagorno-Karabakh peace processes. `No doubt, Azerbaijan’s occupied
territories belong to Azerbaijan, and none of Armenia’s objections can
be discussed. In this context, I believe that the work is being
carried out to immediately return the occupied territories, and many
issues will be settled much easier. Both Armenia and Azerbaijan are
satisfied with the OSCE Minsk Group’s activities over the last year,’
stated Turkish President Abdullah Gul. In fact, the Turkish leader
acted against his principal ally, the USA. It is time to remember U.S.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who repeatedly stated that the
Armenian-Turkish relations must be normalized without any

Incidentally, the possibility of early parliamentary elections has
been much talked about in Turkey. Premier Recep Erdogan tried to put
an end to them, stressing that the elections would be held according
to the law. The talks were caused by a short conversation between the
Turkish Premier and the leader of the Turkish Opposition Deniz Baykal.
During the celebrations on the occasion of the Day of Turkish
Republic, the two had a short dialogue and did not rule out a
possibility of elections. That dialogue caused Turkish mass media to
publish opinions on highly probable early elections. Premier Erdogan
stated later that he would inform the Turkish people, not the
Opposition leader, of the necessity for early elections.

Economy and social life
The central event of Armenia’s economic life this week has been the
parliament hearing of the 2010 draft budget. Ministers submitted the
draft budget to the standing committees of the RA Parliament. With the
alignment of forces in Parliament considered, the hearing is not of
special interest: following the traditions of modern-day political
culture, the Parliament members representing the ruling majority did
not intend to propose any amendments that would `run counter’ to the
Government-budgeted expenditures. The discussions of the draft budget
by the parliamentary commissions played an important role in informing
the public of the problems to face Armenia next year. It is now clear
that the Armenian citizens will have `to say goodbye’ not only to the
insignificant economic growth, but also to officials’ `tales’ about
`two-digit numbers percentage wise.’ A serious reduction of financing
of all the fields has been announced. Specifically, the financing of
the education system will be reduced by 25%, of the armed forces by
20% and of the health system by 17%.

Another piece of `good news’ was announced by Chairman of the Public
Services Regulatory Commission Robert Nazaryan: not only gas, but also
electric energy prices will rise next April. The Armenian population,
which has not yet got over the price rise this April, will have to
`tighten the belt.’ Armenia’s strategic ally, Russia, will raise the
gas price from U.S. $154 up to U.S. $180 for 1,000 cubic meters. What
about the Armenian population? Let them have a nice time!

The France Telecom Company (Orange brand) officially launched its
activities on the Armenian market on November 5. Armenia is the 31st
country the company is working in. At a ceremony on this occasion, the
company managers pointed out that their main aim is to render
affordable mobile services. The Orange network has covered 85% of
Armenia’s territory, which makes 3G and 3G+ services available in
almost any part of Armenia. Orange Vice-President Olaf Swantee said
the company will render high-quality Internet communication services.
The principal fiber-optic cable will run from Armenia to Europe
through Iran. Orange purchased the cable from the GNC-Alfa company.
The company managers reported that Orange roaming services will be
affordable to clients as well. Special prices are in effect in the
other countries where Orange is working. A total of 70,000 people in
Armenia wished to subscribe to the company’s services by the time it
launched activities, which, according to the managers, is `quite a
good figure.’

Chilingarian Babken:
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