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Turkey will not make easy concessions

news.am, Armenia
Nov 7 2009

Turkey will not make easy concessions

16:28 / 11/07/2009`I am not that optimistic about the Protocols’
ratification by Turkey till this year end, as Ankara will not make
easy concessions,’ Turkic philology expert Artak Shakaryan stated at
Nov.7 interview. The most critical moment in the process will fall on
February-March, 2010, when Turkish Parliament tries to evade April 24
anew through ratification of the documents.

If the ratification by April 24 fails, it will be delayed for several
years, as in 2011 parliamentary elections in Turkey are pending,
Shakaryan outlined.

`Protocols’ ratification before the parliamentary elections will be a
political suicide for Turkish incumbent authorities,’ he added.

Armenia-Turkey border opening will positively impact Armenia, however
some laws and migration legislation in particular should be amended
heretofore. Shakaryan in confident, the border opening will be of
significant assist Armenia’s westernization.

Nanijanian Alex:
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