Categories: News

`Upper Lars’ opening might be gambit

news.am, Armenia
Nov 7 2009

`Upper Lars’ opening might be gambit

15:08 / 11/07/2009

Georgian-Russian relations have recently reached a deadlock. Quite
possibly the sides will revise their positions shortly and seek to
resume relations to some extent. In this respect, the opening of
`Upper Lars’ checkpoint might be the gambit, opposition Heritage
faction leader Stepan Safaryan told NEWS.am.

`The checkpoint opening is definitely beneficial for Armenia from
economic and communication viewpoint, as &`Upper Lars’ route is the
only one connecting Armenia with Russia,’ MP said.

The other day talks on the matter between Armenia, Russia and Georgia
were held in Yerevan, having Armenia as a mediator. According to
Russian mass media, Georgia reasons the checkpoint opening by lifting
Russian embargo for Georgian goods, whereas Russia refutes the
presence of such preconditions.

Nalbandian Albert:
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