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Newly Constructed School Revitalizes Spitakashen


11.11.2009 14:58

The Hayastan All-Armenian Fund has built and furnished a school
in Spitakashen, a border village in Artsakh’s Martuni Region. The
construction and furnishing with a price tag of close to 200 460 000
AMD was co-financed by the fund’s Toronto affiliate and the government
of Artsakh.

The official inauguration of the school will take place in May 2010
conditioned by the visit of the sponsors and benefactors.

Attending the opening ceremony were Nagorno-Karabakh minister of
education Vladik Khachatryan, head of the Martuni administration
Lyudmila Azizyan, Hayastan Fund Executive Director Ara Vardanyan,
Deputy Director Ararat Khlghatyan, principal of the school Shiraz
Hayrapetyan, mayor of Spitakashen Armen Khachatryan, residents of
the Spitakashen.

The new building is immediately well distinguished within the rural
landscape background. In a few weeks the school will receive its 74
pupils with its well-equipped and heated classrooms, well-lit library,
beautiful events hall, and a large playground. The school designed
for 130 students, and if necessary, will accommodate students from
close-by villages.

"School construction is a major development goal of the Hayastan
All-Armenian Fund, which has already built more than 200 kindergartens
and schools throughout Artsakh and Armenia, and today this list
was replenished with a new project. I hope that down the years,
these children will contribute their knowledge to the welfare of our
homeland", said Ara Vardanyan, the Fund’s Executive Director.

"The old school built in 1935 had become not only terribly unsafe for
students and teachers but it also lacked almost all the elementary
facilities. In order to enter the school, the pupils had to pass
through the cultural center located on the ground floor of the
building. Today 74 students are able to attend a wonderfully appointed
and comfortable school, a fact that will have the added benefit of
raising the overall quality of education", said the school’s principal
Shiraz Hayrapetyan addressing his words of gratitude to the Artsakh
Government and Fund’s Toronto affiliate.

Tigranian Ani:
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