Armenian Apostolic Church Marks The Commemoration Day


Nov 12 2009

Today Armenian Apostolic Church marks the commemoration day of Sts.

Gurias, Samunas, Deacon Abib, Romanos the Hermit, Child the Confessor
and Soldier Husikos.

Gurias and Samunas were priests from Yedessia living during the period
of reign of the Roman Emperor Dioklethianos (284-305). Gurias and
Samunas are imprisoned because of being Christians, they are brought
to the judge of Yedessia and are ordered to burn incense before the
idols and to worship the picture of the emperor. When they refuse to
obey the order they are subjected to severe torments and are thrown
into the deep pit. Gurias and Samunas are beheaded at the beginning
of the 4th century.

Deacon Abib served in the Church of Yedessia at the beginning of
the 4th century. During the period of Christians’ persecutions he
went from one village to another and preached the Word of God and
encouraged those who were subjected to torments. Emperor Likianos,
becoming aware of his activity, orders to imprison him. Becoming aware
of his mother’s and relatives’ imprisonments Deacon Abib voluntarily
surrenders himself to the authorities. The judge seeing that he is
unable to force the Deacon to renounce Christ, ordered to burn him
over the fire. The saint first prays and then is burnt in the fire
in 312. He is buried in the same tomb where the bodies of Gurias and
Samunas martyred during the same period were buried.

During the period of reign of the Roman Emperor Dioklethianos when
Christians were persecuted, a clergyman named Romanos, who was
imprisoned because of his faith, said the judge: "Even if you ask a
child what is right – to worship the only God – the Creator of the sky
and the earth, or to many gods, the child will give the right answer".

And really, the judge calls a child and asks that question, and that
child answers: "The people’s God should be the only one God. The God
we worship has Only Begotten Son, who is one with God." The annoyed
judge immediately orders to kill the innocent child. This event
happened in 304.

The soldier Husikos has been subjected to torments during the period
of reign of the Roman Emperor Dioklethianos. Husikos has served in the
royal army. He was drowned in the water because of his faith in Christ.