BAKU: It Points To Dirty Backroom Game By Ruling Class Of Armenia: P


Nov 12 2009

"It is no accidental that Armenia has not yet recognized the
self-declared "Nagorno-Karabakh Republic," Azerbaijani political
expert Fikrat Sadigov said commenting on a statement by Armenian
Deputy Foreign Minister Shavarsh Kocharyan who said that Armenian
government believes at present it is inappropriate to recognize the
self-declared "NKR".

"Apparently, there are reasons that do not allow Armenia to do it.

Negotiations are underway to settle the Armenian-Azerbaijani
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Armenia also has to reckon with the OSCE
Minsk Group, super powers and international organizations. But it
does not mean Armenia does not stand behind this whole process,"
Sadigov said.

"Armenia has not recognized Karabakh as an independent republic, but it
went too far. In Soviet times, Armenian parliament adopted a certain
resolution implying that Nagorno-Karabakh is a part of Armenia. As
far as I know, it’s unlawful decision has not been canceled thus far,"
he said.

"Armenia has not recognized the self-proclaimed Nagorno-Karabakh,
not because it is unwilling to do so. It just understands that its
decision will contradict decisions made by civilized countries,
major international organizations, OSCE Minsk Group, which recognize
the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and may negatively perceive
Armenia’s move," he added.

"It just points to very dirty diplomatic game behind the scenes by
the ruling class of Armenia, the political expert said.

"Armenia does not officially recognize the self-proclaimed
Nagorno-Karabakh, but it supports the separatist regime by supplying
weapons. Meantime, elite of Armenia consists of the natives of
Karabakh. In fact, separatist from Nagorno-Karabakh have united with
Armenia’s ruling class," he said.

"Therefore, the official recognition is only formal aspect of the
question, which Yerevan has left for a later time," the political
expert said.