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SOS-Kindersdorf International-Supported Introduction Of Social Trust


W ednesday, 11 November 2009

RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan received a delegation of
SOS-Kindersdorf International led by Zdenko Sedlar, Regional Director
for Central and Eastern Europe, Baltic and CIS States.

Welcoming the delegation, Tigran Sargsyan expressed appreciation
of the ongoing dialog between SOS-Kindersdorf International and the
Government of Armenia. Evoking the agreements reached during the Prime
Minister’s visit to SOS-Children’s Village, the head of government
said today’s meeting was a good opportunity to follow up on issues
of mutual interest.

In turn, Zdenko Sedlar thanked the Prime Minister for his care
and thoughtfulness of the needs of Children’s Village residents by
stressing that the cooperation with the Government of Armenia might
provide a model in shaping relations with other partner governments.

He advised that a second such village will be opened next year in
Idjevan town of Armenia.

The parties went on to discuss the possibility of signing a memorandum
of understanding reflecting the expectations of either side. With
a view to identifying the existing legal and statutory facilities,
the interlocutors decided to study the European expertise available
in this area.

Desirous of expanding the cooperation, the head of government said he
was prepared to address the bottlenecks encountered by the Organization
on the way to expanded operations in our country. Tigran Sargsyan
imparted his willingness to introduce SOS Kindersdorf’s methodology
and know-how in our country for tackling destitute children’s welfare

After the parties had expressed readiness to harmonize the two sides’
approaches to the memorandum of understanding as shortly as possible,
the Prime Minister told the ministries and agencies concerned to
speed up work in this direction.

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