Categories: News

Along The Beaten Tracks Of Azerbaijani Mass Media Or How Milliyet Mi


2009-11-16 16:09:00

ArmInfo. Philip H. Gordon, assistant secretary of state for Europe
and Eurasian affairs, who was on an official visit to Ankara to
organize the visit of Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan to Washington
in early December, voiced a statement regarding normalization of the
Armenian-Turkish relations and the Karabakh conflict.

Turkish Hurriyet Daily and Today’s Zaman reported that Gordon
reiterated the official stance of Washington on the given issues
which was repeatedly voiced also by the US Secretary of State Hillary

The above Turkish newspapers reported Phil Gordon as saying that the
signing of the Protocols "really is a historic process and from which
both sides could benefit immensely." "We don’t link the two issues
because we think that they are both, that Turkey-Armenia normalization
is important and a good thing in its own right. It shouldn’t be linked
to anything else and we also support Nagorno-Karabakh settlement
because we think it would benefit both parties and it doesn’t need to
be linked to anything else. So we are actively working as co-chairs
of the Minsk group on the Nagorno-Karabakh solution, regardless of
anything else: So for the same reason we want to promote reconciliation
between Turkey and Armenia we want to promote it between Armenian
and Azerbaijan and Nagorno-Karabakh, to be engaged from that process
and it’s difficult if it wasn’t then it wouldn’t be stuck where it
is for so long."

However, the Turkish Milliyet has probably resolved to follow the
beaten tracks of Azerbaijani Mass Media for some reasons known only to
it. In joy of Azerbaijani mass media, Milliyet distorted the statements
by the American official. Thus, Milliyet reported Gordon as saying
that "approval of the recently signed Turkey-Armenia agreement on
normalizing ties in the Turkish parliament is complicated without
progress in settling the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict over Upper
(Nagorno) Garabagh."

It is not worthy to say that Azerbaijani mass media, in advance of
each other, have disseminated just this last option of Gorgon’s words,
which they undoubtedly liked more. It is obvious that Azerbaijani
journalists did not strive to understand how much these words meet
reality, and could the functionary of such a high level make such
statements, which have nothing in common either with the officially
voiced position of Washington or Gordon’s statements voiced earlier,
including during the press- conference in Yerevan, in June of the
current year. He said that there should be no pre-condition in the
matter of normalization of the Armenian-Turkish relations. It is a
separate process and should not be linked to any process including
settlement of the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict. The Armenian-Turkish
relations should be established within the reasonable terms, he said.

The American Embassy in Armenia gave Arminfo full version of Gordon’s
words regarding the issues that interest us. To note, Gordon watched
the Armenian-Turkish and Karabakh processes separately.

Here is the excerpt from US Embassy Transcript: A/S Phil Gordon: That’s
another important set of issues. Let me take them up separately. On
Turkey-Armenia we are very pleased that the countries reached
this historic agreement on Oct. 10th. Signing the two protocols on
normalization of relations and development of relations.

This really is a historic process and from which both sides could
benefit immensely. We applaud the courage and vision of the leaders
on both sides. We know this wasn’t easy. There is lot of opposition
in Turkey, there is lot opposition in Armenia and yet the leaders
were insightful enough and bold enough to make the case that this is
in their interest and go and sign the protocols. We supported that
process and we applaud their agreement to do so. We would like to
see it move forward. The protocols have been referred to Parliaments
for ratification and obviously they need to be ratified before they
are implemented. If they can be ratified and implemented then this
can lead to open borders, more trade, prosperity and peace among
neighbors. So, that’s why we are so strong, we are supportive of this
process. Now, the Nagorno-Karabakh issue you raised, you are right to
say that Turkish leaders have said that they see the prospects for
ratification dim unless there is progress in Nagorno-Karabakh. We
don’t link the two issues because we think that they are both,
that Turkey-Armenia normalization is important and a good thing
in its own right. It shouldn’t be linked to anything else and we
also support Nagorno- Karabakh settlement because we think it would
benefit both parties and it doesn’t need to be linked to anything
else. So we are actively working as co-chairs of the Minsk group on
the Nagorno-Karabakh solution, regardless of anything else. It would
benefit both sides — that’s a conflict that led to many thousands
of deaths and displaced persons and current tension and closed borders.

So for the same reason we want to promote reconciliation between Turkey
and Armenia we want to promote it between Armenian and Azerbaijan and
Nagorno-Karabakh, to be engaged from that process and it’s difficult if
it wasn’t then it wouldn’t be stuck where it is for so long. But they
are too, the leaders are talking to each other. In any negotiation
people drive hard bargains, but we think that the reality that both
sides would benefit from a settlement gives us some optimism that a
settlement can be reached and that would really be historic progress
for the region if both of those things could move forward in the
near future.

The above excerpt shows that the American diplomat made no radical
statement that was not voiced by official Washington before.

Disseminating unverified reports is the work style of both Azerbaijan
and some Turkish mass media. So, one should not be surprised at such
lack of competence.

Karabekian Emil:
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