Categories: News

Court Of Cessation Of Armenia Supports Teghut


2009-11-16 11:19:00

ArmInfo. The Court of Cessation of Armenia recalled the judgment of
the Administrative Court on the case of Teghut, a lawyer Hayk Alumyan
told ArmInfo. To recall, the public organizations Ecodar, Vanadzor
Helsinki office and Transparency International anti-corruption Center
filed a claim to the Administrative Court against the government of
Armenia in summer, 2009. The claim was conditioned b the fact that
the country’s legislation, as well as international conventions and
articles of Armenia’s Constitution were violated during approval of the
project of development of Teghut copper-molybdenum deposit. However,
the Administrative Court of Armenia has twice denied the defenders of
Teghut: in the claim on cessation of implementation of the project
of exploitation of Teghut copper-molybdenum deposit, as well as in
appeal of this claim.

According to the lawyer, the decision was made by the Court of
Cessation on October 30, however, the text of the decision was
received only on November 14. ‘Now, the Administrative Court has to
initiate proceedings in the case of Teghut and consider it on merits’,
Alumyan said. Speaking of the specific terms, the lawyer said there
is just a formulation "reasonable terms" in the legislation . ‘So,
it will depend on the state of mind of a specific person’, he said.

Frangulian Shushan:
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