Armenia’s Economy Not To Benefit From Open Armenian-Turkish Border


16.11.2009 17:19 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Position of the Gnchak Social Democratic Party of
Armenia on normalization of Armenian-Turkish relations is clear, "we
oppose any restoration of relations with Turkey until it recognizes
the Armenian Genocide," Vahan Shirkhanian , board member of the
Gnchak Social Democratic Party of Armenia told a press conference in
Yerevan today.

According to him, Armenia did so, partly voluntarily, partly by
coercion. "Armenia is under superpowers’ pressure. Despite we are told
that normalization of Armenia-Turkey relations will be beneficial
to us, they won’t," Mr. Shirkhanyan said, adding that after opening
the borders between countries nothing will change and the economy of
Armenia will not win anything from this.

According to Vahan Shirkhanyan, Turkey has the following goals to
be attained through normalization of Armenian-Turkish relations:
failure of the international recognition of the Armenian Genocide ,
recognition of the Treaty of Kars, resolution of the Karabakh conflict
in Azerbaijan’s favor, elimination of Russia’s military presence
in Armenia, limiting of Armenian-Iranian relationships, as well as
the implementation of Ankara-Gyumri-Yerevan-Nakhichevan-Meghri-Baku
rail way project.