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BAKU: EU Hopes For Continuing Progress On Karabakh


Nov 16 2009

Peter Semneby The European Union’s special representative for the South
Caucasus, Peter Semneby, held meetings in Baku on Monday following
his visit to Azerbaijan’s second city, Ganja.

"I hope the improvements observed in the settlement of the
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict will continue. Much has been achieved up
to now. The sides are close to each other and this cannot be lost,"
Semneby told journalists.

Peter Semneby said he does not want to comment on the substance of the
Karabakh negotiations process at a sensitive time when the presidents
are expected to hold the next meeting.

"The fact that the presidents and foreign ministers continue meeting
is in itself a positive sign," he said.

Semneby said the EU is positive about the normalization of
Armenia-Turkey relations.

"We want to see this region as one with open borders, where people can
travel easily. Commercial relations will bring the countries of the
region closer. The present situation in the Caucasus is not normal at
all – the Armenia-Turkey, Armenia-Azerbaijan and Georgia-Russia borders
are closed. A start should be made. Enough has been achieved in this
complex process of negotiations. We hope that serious improvements
will be made in the other open issues, including the Nagorno-Karabakh
conflict," he said.

Earlier on Monday, Semneby and Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar
Mammadyarov discussed relations between Azerbaijan and the EU.

The EU is interested in establishing close ties with Azerbaijan
and the restoration of peace in the region as soon as possible,
the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry news service said.

Mammadyarov said that Azerbaijan is ready to expand cooperation
with the EU and mentioned the importance of the Eastern Partnership
programme in this regard.

Touching upon security in the South Caucasus and the Karabakh problem,
Mammadyarov said that continuation of the status quo of the Armenian
occupation of Azerbaijani land is inadmissible. He said that the
conflict can be settled only within the framework of the norms and
principles of international law and the territorial integrity of

Tashjian Arbi:
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