TBILISI: Caucasians Seek Peace

By Mahmud Kochak

Georgian Times
Nov 16 2009

The Caucasus states which emerged at the end of 20th century upon
the breakup of the Soviet Union have become dependent on regional
and global powers’ support to get rid of the economic and social
problems brought by their unexpected independence. Regional states
who are aware that cooperation can only occur where constraints and
impositions are placed upon them, and cannot produce results in the
long term, have made various attempts to create the required atmosphere
and infrastructure to make the most of this co-operation.

The strong ties existing between regional states and Turkey, both
from the historic and cultural points of view, have unavoidably
dragged Turkey in this picture. It has been observed that every kind
of problem, conflict and war experienced in this region has had a
significant effect on Turkey, which even goes beyond the region.

Turkey, which pursues policies of supporting territorial integrity
and stability in the Caucasus, especially in recent times, continues
to make various attempts to positively affect the situation in the
region by working proactively. In this context, strengthening the
independence of the South Caucasus Republics, defending territorial
integrity and involving itself in efforts to transport the energy
resources of the Caspian region to the West are the three basic tasks
undertaken by Turkey in the region.

Ensuring stability in the Caucasus is made possible by consolidating
economic relationships between Caucasus countries. The priority in the
Caucasus at this stage is to create a basis in which three countries
(Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia) can experience some form of loose
integration so that border conflicts can be resolved and economic,
social and cultural partnerships increased. We should not talk about
conflicts but common interests. Through this process economic unity
will be ensured, cultural exchange will continue and ultimately the
countries will start to resolve the region’s political problems,
which have become acute.

Many attempts have been made to strengthen the Caucasus Republics,
which have vital importance from the Russian point of view both
economically and politically. As a result of these continuing attempts
new energy pipeline, railway, highway and similar projects are being
developed in addition to those which already exist, ties between
communities are being strengthened and stability is increasing.

The failure to establish these economic ties in the past has been
one of the fundamental factors which has delayed the establishment
of peace and stability in the region. Instigating mutual economic
activity will bring cultural unity projects into the region in its
wake and draw Caucasus peoples, who have separated from each other
and become polarised due to their recent history, closer to each
other every passing day.

Political problems will be resolved more readily if an economic
union can be established in the Caucasus, as the philosophy behind
the foundation of the European Union (the first such economic unity)
states. Many possible models are being discussed, but more important
than the decisions they make is the fact that the parties must be
able to discuss things together in a reasonable way.

In our world, which gets smaller every day, states which are deemed
to have no relations with each other anymore can still get involved
in regions they see as problematic, either because of the potential
for expanding their own power which they offer or as part of a
natural process they cannot avoid. The Caucasus region is of vital
importance not only for Russia and also the USA and EU. Whereas Turkey
has to be sensitive in developing policies concerning the Caucasus
because of its historical roots in, and geographic proximity to, the
region, it is the biggest supporter of the Caucasus due to that same
historical and cultural past. It should not be forgotten that each new
extra-territorial actor will bring its own problems into the region.

When all the things experienced in the Caucasus in the last 15 years
are taken together it is seen that the Caucasus people have suffered
rather than benefited from these processes. Political, military,
financial and sociological problems have all been experienced, and
therefore significant migration has become a reality and the region’s
peoples have suffered the most. Therefore providing consistency in
the Caucasus is also for the benefit of the surrounding countries,
mainly Turkey.

By pursuing a peaceful policy Turkey aims to change the present
situation in the region and thereby create a financial revival and
an arena for cultural cooperation. The important thing here is to be
able to unite the Caucasus people so that they can obtain security,
stability and prosperity through dialogue around common principles
and aims.

The cultural diversity of the Caucasus must be considered the greatest
treasure of the region, but this diversity should serve to promote
rather than endanger peace, stability and prosperity. Turkey is
determined to maintain its support for Caucasus countries in their
attempts to establish good neighbourly relations and will strengthen
dialogue in the region by establishing healthy communication channels
and protecting the territorial integrities of regional states from
both external and internal threats.