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Aliyev Dwelt On Karabakh



The Azerbaijani president Ilham Aliyev, addressing the ceremony of
opening a building for refugees, said that for the settlement of
the Karabakh issue there are two ways – peace or military. There is
no other third way and they are not going to protract the process,
said Aliyev.

According to him, return of 7 regions is planned in negotiation
with the Armenians as well as the return of Azerbaijani refugees
to Karabakh. Aliyev accused the Armenian side of protracting the
negotiation process – either new topics appear or the old ones are
being revived.

According to Aliyev, very soon, the Azerbaijani population will arrive
to 10 million and the economy, in several years, will exceed the
Armenian one by 10 times. The abyss between Armenia and Azerbaijan
will increase, said Aliyev and counted the Azerbaijani advantages
over Armenia in different spheres.

Zakarian Garnik:
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