Armenian PM: Everybody Must Be Equal Before The Law


2009-11-18 20:17:00

ArmInfo. Social surveys have shown that Armenian citizens care not so
much for wages and pensions, employment and new jobs, inflation and
high foreign exchange rate, not even so much for the independence of
Nagorno-Karabakh and the recognition of the Armenian Genocide as for
social justice, Prime Minister of Armenia Tigran Sargsyan said while
presenting draft national budget 2010 in the parliament today.

Everybody must be equal before the law irrespective of what position he
holds or property he possesses. This problem will be in the center of
our attention. This, first of all, concerns big business. In order to
restore public confidence the big business should work transparently.

Each big company must meet its tax obligations. "We must work on
this together. For this purpose, we have drafted two big legislative
initiatives," Sargsyan said.

First and foremost, the matter concerns the fact that 500 high-ranking
officials will have to publicly declare their incomes and property, and
a single e-register will operate in Armenia, which will be available
for all the citizens of the country. The high-ranking officials are
to also declare the property and incomes of their relatives. Secondly,
the tax bodies’ control based on risks implies that first of all large
business should be transparent for public, and introduction of the
institute of compulsory external audit is an important measure on the
path to restoration of confidence in large business. "Unfortunately,
I should state that in this sphere we have gained no success, and
the criticism against the government is quite fair",- T.Sargsyan said.