BAKU: Azerbaijani President: With Time Armenia Not To Be Able To Pro


Azerbaijan Business Center
Nov 18 2009

Baku, Fineko/ Ilham Aliyev, the President of Azerbaijan, does
not doubt of settlement of Nagorno Garabagh conflict between Armenia
and Azerbaijan in favor of the latter.

Yesterday President Aliyev claimed that he personally did not doubt
that Azerbaijani lands would be released from the aggressor.

"The main issue is in what way it will be done – peaceful or military.

Our territories were occupied following foreign support. Today
Azerbaijan is a powerful state and situation with occupation can be
removed either in a peaceful or military way. We cannot drag out more
this process," he said.

He also voiced discontent with lack of real process of conflict
settlement negotiations launched in 1992 under the aegis of the OSCE
Minsk Group.

"We consider that a hope still remains, but together with that we see
that the Armenian side has selected tactics of time dragging out. But
dragging out of time gives them nothing. The Armenian population
has reduced and really 1.7 million people live there. With time they
will hardly be able to protect contact line as capacities and power
of Azerbaijan increase and demographic situation improves. Number of
our population has already reached 9 million people and in 5-6 years
it will be equal to 10 million people. Today our economy surpasses
7-fold the Armenian one and in the next few years is going to surpass
probably 13-15 fold. Armenia is isolated from all regional projects.

One can say that its borders are closed with all the neighbors
excepting one. In such situation existence of this country itself is
under question. Truth is also in fact that Armenia cannot exist at
its own expense. If some countries and some financial institutions
had not given this year financial aid to Armenia, it would have gone
to rack and ruin," the President said.

In his view, abyss between Armenia and Azerbaijan is going to increase

"Analyzing all these factors, we still choose a way of negotiations.

We will continue exerting pressure in both political, economic,
and all other forms. We should do so to obtain the desired. We want
restoration of truth and justice.

We don’t set our bag for lands of other country, although today’s
Armenia was created on truly Azerbaijani lands. We protect principle
of territorial integrity of countries. I am sure that we will obtain
the desired. But I want it will happen faster. I work and will work
for that," President Aliyev said.