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Benita Ferrero-Waldner: Eastern Partnership Is Entering Into A New P


2009-11-18 15:34:00

ArmInfo. The Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum convened in
Brussels on 17 November 2009.

Benita Ferrero-Waldner EU Commissioner for External Relations and
European Neighbourhood Policy said in her speech that "the community
of civil society groups supporting the Eastern Partnership is growing
and becoming more diverse. This not only proves the success of our
initiative but is a testament to the dynamism and engagement of civil
society actors in your countries. It shows too, that the Forum is
the right answer to your need for more contact, dialogue and sharing
of experience. It is less than a year since the Commission presented
its proposals for an Eastern Partnership and only a few months since
the EU and 6 partner countries adopted the Prague Declaration. Today
the Partnership is entering into a new phase, thanks to you. You
are now active partners in a debate which too often in the past has
been dominated by governments: the discussion of how to strengthen
democracy, good governance, economic reform, and energy security. Your
voice will be heard and taken into account. You will influence decision
making and contribute to the success of our Partnership, sharing in
the responsibility we all have to bring the Eastern Partner countries
closer to the EU."

"The presence here today of Minister Carl Bildt, President Mario
Sepi and myself is more than just symbolic. As representatives of
the European institutions we are truly convinced that the Eastern
Partnership cooperation cannot be achieved without the representatives
of grass roots organizations, trade unions, business and professional
associations, NGOs, think-tanks, non-profit foundations, national
and international networks – all the diverse actors of Civil
Society. The EU is committed to supporting civil society development
in our partner countries and I am sure this Forum has provided many
valuable ideas, views and recommendations for Ministers to work on,"
Benita Ferrero-Waldner declared.

Dabaghian Diana:
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