Categories: News

Assembly Northern California Regional Council Hosts Inaugural

Armenian Assembly of America
November 19, 2009
Contact: Press Department
Email: info@aaainc.org
Phone: (202) 393-3434 


Oakland, CA – The Northern California Regional Council (Council),
comprised of community activists under the Armenian Assembly
(Assembly) umbrella, hosted its inaugural event since its recent
formation in September.  Members of the Armenian professional
community from the Bay Area attended and discussed current issues at
the home of Council member and host Alison Ekizian.  In addition to
Ekizian, Council members include Kim Bardakian, Julie Kulhanjian
Strauch, Valina Agbabian, David Ojakian and Peter Kalagian-Federico.

Assembly Western Region Director Yeghig Keshishian briefed the Council
about Armenia-Turkey rapprochement and the Protocols signed last month
in Switzerland. In addition to making it clear that the Protocols and
the Nagorno Karabakh (NKR) negotiations are two separate processes,
Keshishian discussed the Assembly’s and community’s concerns regarding
attempts by Turkey to link the NKR peace process to the Protocols or
as a way to avoid U.S. affirmation of the Armenian Genocide.

"Rapprochement between Armenia and Turkey is an issue separate from
U.S. reaffirmation of the Armenian Genocide," stated Keshishian. "As
this process continues, our focus will continue to be educating
Members of Congress on current developments and the continued need to
combat genocide denial through passage of H.Res. 252," Keshishian

"It was helpful to hear from Keshishian on the steps the Assembly is
taking to combat Turkey’s aggressive lobbying attempts in this
country," stated Ekizian.  "The Council shares Keshishian’s sentiments
that Turkey needs to act in good faith and come to terms with its
past. The Protocols offer an opportunity to apply pressure on Turkey
as it seeks to balance its eastward orientation towards the Muslim
world and its westward desires toward joining the European family. The
Northern California Regional Council will continue to play a direct
role in raising awareness of important issues affecting U.S.-Armenia
relations by hosting an assortment of social networking and
professional events to support the Assembly in its outreach efforts in
the Bay Area," added Ekizian. 

Established in 1972, the Armenian Assembly of America is the largest
Washington-based nationwide organization promoting public
understanding and awareness of Armenian issues. The Assembly is a
501(c)(3) tax-exempt membership organization.

Karapetian Hovik:
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