BAKU: US Congressmen Support Azerbaijan

Nov 19 2009

US Congressmen support decision of US Senate appropriations committee .

US congressional Azerbaijan caucus members Solomon Ortiz, Bill
Schuster, Robert Vexler, Virginia Foxx have sent a letter to the
Subcommittees for Foreign Operations of the US House and Senate
Committees on Appropriations with respect to the Department of State
appropriations bill for 2010 fiscal year

The letter supported the Senate Appropriations Committee`s decision
concerning the paragraphs on US`s aid to Azerbaijan and development
of US-Azerbaijan relations on the eve of discussions at the Senate
on the foreign operations and Department of State appropriations bill.

The letter stressed Azerbaijan`s important role in global war on
terrorism including military operations in Afghanistan.

The authors of the letter backed the decision not to add any new terms
to the authority granted by the Senate Appropriations Committee to the
US President with respect to the section 907 of the Freedom Support
Act. It said adoption of new paragraphs concerning the section 907
would harm US-Azerbaijan relationship and US`s interests in the region.

The letter supported the fact that the Appropriations Committee did
not included any aid to Nagorno-Karabakh into the department of state
appropriations bill for 2010 FY.

On July 9, unlike the US House of Representatives, the Senate
Appropriations Committee did not include any amendments to the
appropriations bill regarding section 907 and aid to Nagorno-Karabakh

The letter was sent to Chairman of US Senate Subcommittee for foreign
operations Patrick Leahy and ranking member Judd Greg as well as
Chair of the House Foreign Operations Appropriations Subcommittee
Nita Lowey and ranking minority member Kay Granger.