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BAKU: We Will Continue To Oppose Ratification Of Turkey-Armenia Prot


Nov 19 2009

Day.Az interview with member of the Turkish Grand National Assembly,
Deputy Chairman of the Republican People’s Party Onur Oymen.

Day.Az: In recent days there have been calls by the United States
and Armenia for ratification of the Armenian-Turkish protocols in
the parliament. What is the reason for such a rush?

Onur Oymen: The Turkish government should not have signed these
protocols it could avoid this pressure. We warned the government
of what is happening now back in 2001 when an idea to establish a
joint Turkish-Armenian commission to study the so-called "genocide"
was first voiced in New York.

In subsequent years, Turkey has repeatedly faced pressure to recognize
the "genocide". They also voiced a demand to open borders. The
Armenians wanted to achieve their target both in terms of "genocide"
and opening of borders. All this happened at a time when Turkey made
its stance known by saying the following: "We will not sit at the
negotiating table with Armenians till the Nagorno-Karabakh issue
is resolved."

Hence, neither the Armenians nor the U.S. nor the EU took into
consideration Turkey’s interests dictating their own terms. Then
negotiations in Switzerland and signing of the protocols ensued. When
it became known about the negotiations in Switzerland, we once again
warned the authorities that it is hasty to take any steps until the
Karabakh problem is resolved.

But the government succumbed to outside pressure and signed the
protocols. Then the same government declared that the protocols will
not e ratified till solution to the Karabakh problem. Now a month
later we feel the pressure from the U.S., the EU and Armenia.

Ironically, Armenia does not hurry to ratify the protocols again
waiting for Turkey to take the first step.

Q: Do the afore-said countries urge Turkey to ratify the protocols?

A: Of course, numerous times. European parliamentarians, U.S.

Congressmen send messages calling on Turkey to ratify the protocols
and establish close relations with Armenia.

Q: The Turkish media have published reports that the U.S. threatened
to recognize the "Armenian genocide" in case of refusal to ratify
the protocols. Are these reports true?

A: The U.S. has threatened to recognize the "genocide" for many times.

Several U.S. and European diplomats, 12 congressmen made similar
threats in this year. Ratification of the protocol is only a pretext.

If they recognize the "genocide", they will do so even in case of
ratification of the protocols. Americans’ stance on the "genocide"
and the protocols are insincere. They have double standard position
towards this and listen to opinion of only the Armenian side while
they do not even want to listen Turkey.

During our meetings we said to Americans that Armenians should abandon
their territorial claims against Turkey which is reflected even in the
Armenian constitution. They have occupied 20 percent of Azerbaijani
territories leaving one million people homeless and committed genocide
in Khojaly.

During Obama’s visit to Turkey, question of opening the border
with Armenia was voiced in the form of a demand, but a question
of solving the Karabakh problem only as a wish. This is the most
genuine manifestation of double standards. We brought this fact to
their attention. They want to make strong and indispensable regional
power like Turkey a prisoner of whims of Armenians.

Q: Will the protocols be ratified in the case of increasing pressure
and Turkey’s facing problems due to recognition of "genocide"?

A: Our party will remain true to its stance. The protocols will not be
discussed till resolution of the Karabakh problem. It is our pressure
that has so far prevented discussions of protocols in the parliament.

If it were not for the reaction of opposition and people, the
protocols would have been ratified long ago. We will continue to
oppose ratification of the protocols in every way.

We do not distinguish between issues of "genocide", territorial claims
to Turkey and the Karabakh problem. All these are baseless Armenian
claims against the Turkish nation. We demand to continue Ataturk’s
policy in this direction. Ataturk stated that "the joy and sorrow of
Azerbaijan is our joy and sorrow." Following his teachings, we must
assert interests of Turks throughout the world.

But today Turkey itself has ended up in a helpless condition.

Armenians use murder of Armenian journalist Hrant Dink for propoganda
purposes and accuse us of all mortal sins while Armenian terrorist
organizations have killed dozens of Turkish diplomats before the
eyes of Europe and America. They killed several journalists during
the Karabakh war. But no one makes Armenians or Armenia answerable
for this.

Taslakhchian Andranik:
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