Ambassador Of Sweden In RA NA Standing Committee


National Assembly of RA
Nov 20 2009

On November 20 the Chairperson on NA Standing Committee on European
Integration Ms. Naira Zohrabyan received the Ambassador of the Kingdom
of Sweden to the Republic of Armenia Mr. Hans Gunab Aden. Ambassador
of Armenia to Sweden Mr. Ara Ayvazian attended the meeting.

Welcoming the guest in the parliament Ms. Zohrabyan highlighted
the relations with Sweden, as the most important country of the
European Union, which was also one of the initiators of the Eastern
Partnership format, and further cooperation. Touching upon the EU
Eastern Partnership, Ms. Zohrabyan reaffirmed the willingness of
Armenia in the implementation of the predetermined platforms in that
format. As a practical means of cooperation and European integration
Ms. Zohrabyan noted that the establishment of the parliamentary
cooperation between the two countries, saying that in the National
Assembly of the Republic of Armenia the Armenian-Swedish Friendship
Group already functioned. The Committee Chairperson also said that
during her visit in Sweden an agreement was reached in the Riksdagen
of Sweden to set up a parliamentary friendship group. In the future
in RA NA a number of deputies of Riksdagen of Sweden will be hosted.

During the meeting issues connected with EU association, free trade
agreements, as well as easing the provision of entrance visas to EU
countries were discussed. The sides also discussed regional problems
and issues concerning the future strengthening of Armenia’s democracy.

Touching upon the problem of the normalization of the Armenian-Turkish
relations, Committee Chairperson Ms. Naira Zohrabyan once again
stressed that Armenia was interested in the establishment of
normal relations with Turkey, which could not be in the account of
our national ruling interests. Regarding the settlement of the NK
problem, the Committee Chairperson reaffirmed that the independence of
Artsakh had no alternative and sooner or later it should be accepted
by everybody.