"Education – Development By Cooperation" Two-Day Conference Opens To


NOVEMBER 20, 2009

YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 20, ARMENPRESS: "Education – Development by
Cooperation" two-day conference opened today in Yerevan the goal of
which is to expand cooperation in the implementation of reforms in
the education sphere, involving potential of interested organization.

Representatives of international, donor organizations and NGOs are
participating in the event.

Armenian Education and Science Minister Armen Ashotyan said that this
conference will coordinate the programs which are and will be carried
out in the education sphere as well as will expand the involvement
of the civil society in working out the education development policy
and its implementation.

According to him, during these two days the conference will turn into
a fair of ideas as a result of which joint programs will be worked
out to be implemented in near future.

Chairwoman of the NA’s European Integration standing committee Naira
Zohrabyan, highlighting the international cooperation in the education
sphere, noted that it is a serious opportunity for Armenia to ensure
qualitative growth.

She said that within the framework of the EU’s "Eastern partnership"
programs the committee is highlighting not only political but also
the humanitarian component.

"In the NA we are always ready to support the educational reforms in
the political and legislative field," N. Zohrabyan said.

Armenian deputy foreign minister Arman Kirakossyan welcomed the
participants of the conference and expressed hope that such conferences
will create basis for coordinated activity with the international and
local organizations carrying out programs in the education system,
exchange of international experience.

Head of the Delegation of the European Commission to Armenia Raul
de Luzenberger and head of the Armenian office of the World Bank
Aristomene Varudakis were present at the conference.